last year at this time I was at Ad-Tech Chicago co-presenting a standing-room only session on "The End of Television --As We Know It" (see Media coverage hereMediaDailyNews 10-29-04. In the past year, we've seen that forecast come true....Digital Video Recorders, Personal Video Players, Podcasting, Rise of Citizen's Media, Blogs, Moblogs and Video Blogs and the ever-present peer2peer digital downloading of music, video and other media and even evolving paid-for pass-along media models. Check this blog for an excerpt of my two-part series called VIDEOPOLIS that appeared on here where I proclaim that the Sony Portable Playstation launch (PSP) on March 25, 2005 is the 'tipping point' ushering in a new generation of media.
In Videopolis I talk about the rise of user-generated media like the Open Media Networksee their website here and the fruition of the Cluetrain Manifesto
Read the first chapter:
"Internet Apocalypso" (from the archived website at
These markets are conversations. Their members communicate in language that is natural, open, honest, direct, funny and often shocking. Whether explaining or complaining, joking or serious, the human voice is unmistakably genuine. It can't be faked. excerpt rom The Cluetrain Manifesto created in April 1999 (note 6 years ago). On their archived site, the creators forecast that :
Corporate firewalls have kept smart employees in and smart markets out. It's going to cause real pain to tear those walls down. But the result will be a new kind of conversation. And it will be the most exciting conversation business has ever engaged in.
and now Joseph Jaffe's new book urges us to go rogue....way beyond the gray flannel suit stereotype...
.......from tomorrow's news today comes (available for pre-order on
by Joseph Jaffe
(click on thumbnail to see details, go to to buy or go to the book's own website at )
Investor's Daily interview with Jaffe touts some pretty awesome statistics on how big the money-shift could be if Jaffe and the rest of us who have been forecasting the end of 30 second spot (see my book Multimedia: Gateway to the Next Millennium, 1994) are proven right.
According to industry statistics, advertisers spent over $70 billion on TV ads last year. Of that, about $45 billion went to broadcast networks. This money may shift to new types of media, such as online and wireless ads.
Blogger realtime note 4:25 p.m. PST: .Trying to get a quote from Jaffe himself (I also write for so there keep tuned to this blog in the future...just voicemail today so far...but here's a savvy excerpt from the inside flap of Life....
Traditional advertising—led by its poster child, the 30-second television spot—is dead, dying, or in dire need of a shot in the arm. Take your pick, depending on which point of the spectrum you find yourself. And if none of the choices apply, you may very well be in a state of denial. If so, then you'd better read on.
It's true. The times are changing, and the tried-and-true media strategies that advertisers have used for decades no longer work quite so well. Old-school ad campaigns focused mainly on print, radio, and, in particular, television aren't nearly as effective as they once were. You can blame it on too many TV channels, the Internet, TiVo, empowered and savvy consumers, or anything else that sounds good. But if you're an advertiser, you'd better find alternatives to traditional media—or find an alternative profession.
More on Jaffe later and how he challenged Nike to the pin with his rogue Tiger Woods home-brewed 'commercial'.
Update 5/5/05 -- Jaffe replies to Hollywood2020....yep, Jaffe called back on Weds afternoon...even he doesn't have a copy of the published book yet -- he anticipates getting his bound edition on 5/20/05 -- same day as shipping date at The author invited Hollywood2020 to his upcoming West Coast event on Creativity in July ....more on that later. Meanwhile don't forget to check out his book's site at and if you want to actually see a chapter he gave me a secret link to Chapter 10 -- but don't tell anyone who's producing 30 second spots because that might change their lives and their business ........:)))