What's hot today?
Grand Rapids, Michigan great Wi-Fi Quest: Yes, "HotSpotsCoolCity" is the headline on the jazzy lime-green brochure that you can download at their special website www.wirelessgr.com (yep, they have a site just for this wireless initiative). Sally Wesorick, the city's Wi-Fi project manager, returned Hollywood2020's call and said that their RFP was so popular they got 47 letters of intent from vendors. They selected 10 for the demos. (Missed the RFP deadline? Don't worry you can still get in on the bidding for the city-wide implementation with the next RFP this summer. Stay tuned to their site for more info: linkThe first of ten Wi-Fi demos showing different vendors is already 'hot' at the Grand Rapids Police Dept.
Augment, not compete...
The Grand Rapids Wi-Fi program is expected to augment, not compete with existing fixed use wireless. See washingtonpost.com mention:WiFi Detente Grand Rapids, however, may provide an example of how the local phone company and dominant Internet service provider can work with the city, rather than at odds with it. Sally Wesorick, the city's WiFi project manager, told the Press that the city is getting assistance from SBC to run the network. "We have no intention of competing with the private sector," she said.
GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN WILL BE HOT THIS SUMMER...to see what's happening, in addition to free wireless broadband, click on the thumnail or better still go to: www.visitgrandrapids.org