Worthwhile Magazine's blog worthwhilemag.com link opening post on June 7 focuses on Ben & Jerry's new 'moody' ice cream. Sure, as noted UniLever bought Ben & Jerry's but the innovation continues. Love the quote "I Scream, we all (Primal) scream as blogger Kevin Salwen turns us on to Ben & Jerry's new MOODMAGIC wheel. Go ahead and check out your mood of the moment here's the linkplay the Mood Magic game to decide which one you need. Thanks Kevin for the link to next-gen creativity. By the way, kudos to WORTHWHILE magazine for a pub that is more than worth it's weight in gold. A 'berry' great issue.
MOOD MOUSE: I went over to Google Images to find a 'mood ring' to explain to this generation in a picture (now worth much more than a 1000 words what mood rings were all about and instead I found this mood mouse-- don't know if it changes colors based on your mood but it sure is cool -- shown in Japanese for my new Japanese fans.
MOOD MOUSE FROM MICROSOFT -- does it really change moods or is it just mood-ring color? If you know, post the answer please.
HOW HOPPY ARE YOU? Okay, it's late here and I'm a little tired, but instead of a traditional mood ring I found this "Frog Mood Ring" at where else, FROGSTORE.com -- for your Crazy Frog fans (see previous post about that green guy), and find out how 'hoppy' you are today or tonight wherever you are, whatever time it is. I'm including their own promo wording because I'm sure I can't hop hope to beat their copy:
OK, just how hoppy are you?
Wear this froggy mood ring and everyone will know whether you're "fixin' to croak" or "leaping for joy"!
The frog mood color-chart pictured is included with each ring.
Size: Women's adjustable
Click on the Frogstore.com's Frog Mood ring to find out how happy , I mean hoppy you are? Price:
$3.95 Part Number:
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PS I'm not endorsing this -- I just did a quick copy of their wording so I figured let them get some clickthroughs....aha hoppy to be affiliate for frog friends. |