Best fireworks ever? In the Virtual reality of my mind...I remember New Years Eve in Rio....spectacular...
click on thumbnail to see Rio on New Years Eve-- maybe the best fireworks in the world?
Note, this blogger has no relationship with the tour provider noted in the above photo/thumbnail/post--we just loved their photos and thought we'd give them a plug for free......Second best fireworks I've ever seen....well as a child in Cleveland, Ohio I remember an American Flag in the sky ending a fireworks production at Edgewater Park in Cleveland...can't find any record of that "fireworks" flag and the only indication that it was real at all versus the figment of a child's imagination or a father's urging his kids to stay away for the flag at the end of the production is this mounted fireworks flag, alas shown during the day, versus in it's glory at night.
click on thumnail to see 'framework' for fireworks American flag pictured during day.
Third best memory of an Industry Standard magazine conference in Laguna Beach California on a barge near the beach of the Ritz Carlton during the dot com heyday or should I say dot-com fireworks. No pix...just some sparks in the memory files....