GTA Hot Coffee Boiling Over into Worldwide Controversy and cultural changes? (first of 2 part post)
On July 11 this blog author Joyce Schwarz set the table (I mean the stage) for a quick recap on what was happening with the Grand Theft Auto videogame controversy about whether Porn segments were actually in the game when sold or part of a "Mod" called Hot Coffee available online. See details in previous blog: HOT COFFEE STEAMS UP GTA VID GAME BREW HAHA. We also asked the rhetorical question of whether Interactive Porn was the new 21st Century mass cultural activity of choice as first penned in the blog THE REPTILIAN BRAIN (for full post click here):
TGS Hiddenmysteries Reptilian Agenda
Time to spill the beans on GTA Hot Coffee Porn Scandal....stirring up the pot that calls the kettle black...boiling up a cauldron of a quick update -- if you missed any of this scandal that now involves top leaders of the Western World including but not limited to this unspooling of a thread of trouble:
FROM SENATOR HILLARY CLINTON --- GTA stealing innocence of children....
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Senator Hillary Clinton who earlier this year was quoted as saying: there is a "silent epidemic of media desensitisation that teaches kids it's okay to diss people because they are a woman, they're a different colour or they're from a different place." Recently update: "The disturbing material in 'Grand Theft Auto' and other games like it is stealing the innocence of our children, and it's making the difficult job of being a parent even harder," Clinton said.
CLINTON JOINS SENATOR LIEBERMAN: Clinton joined Senator Joseph Lieberman, who together called for action from either the game's maker or the --->Lieberman who called for action: "I am asking you to bring this matter to light and resolve this serious controversy by voluntarily submitting your game to independent concerned and responsible parties for such technical analysis," Lieberman
CLINTON TO FTC calling for legislationhas asked the Federal Trade Commission to investigate Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. The proposed legislation would see retailers fined $5000 for selling violent and sexually explicit videogames to minors.
----------------> Miami Attorney Jack Thompson who made numerous comments including: "Rockstar is on the fast track to corporate destruction, all because they have decided to play chicken with the federal government," said Mr Thompson. And then Thompson reportedly (according to Prodigious Gaming Blog (see link later in this post) :
THOMPSON TO Entertainment Software Assn Members in open letter (reported on Prodigious Gaming Blog:
Thompson also wrote an open letter addressed to ESA members where he accused the association of failing to act quickly enough on the "Hot Coffee" mod. The letter was nothing more than an attack on the Entertainment Software Association and its president, Doug Lowenstein. Among other things, Thompson likened Lowenstein to Hitler, writing:"When Hitler invaded Russia, opening up an Eastern offensive on the eve of winter, Britain's Prime Minister Winston Churchill noted that 'Hitler must have been rather loosely educated, not having learned the lesson of Napoleon's autumn advance on Moscow." links to more on hot coffee spillover......
Links from to Prodigious Games blog and other crucial links in this thread of "trouble"More on Hot Coffee:
Clinton joins GTA ‘Hot Coffee’ debacle
San Andreas sex hack found in PS2 game, UK version not affected by controversy
San Andreas sex scandal spreads down under
...courtesy Jul 25, 2005)
Censors move From Hot Coffeegate to Simsgate
(Jul 25, 2005) Inquirer |
Florida Attorney Jack Thompson Attacks EA, Sims 2
Patrick Wildenborg, the modder who first publicized GTA's Hot Coffee minigame hack, sent along to 1UP a letter from the administration of, the … |
Amid the 'Hot Coffee' controversy, the House votes in favor of a Federal Trade Commission
Rockstar To Be Investigated?