The latest version of the iPod, the Nano, runs on flash memory, enabling it to use less energy and space than the Mini, which runs on hard drive technology. It also has more storage capability, holding as many as 1,000 songs or 25,000 photos, and it offers games and a calendar. It, along with the other iPod models, will be compatible with next year's Acura, Audi, Honda and Volkswagon car stereos.
Susan Kevorkian, research analyst at IDC, says of the new flash-based technology, "Apple is positioning themselves to take advantage of those price drops. Flash is more stable than hard drives, which are in many MP3 players, including the 60-gigabyte iPod."
Joyce Schwarz, iMedia contributor, (this blogger) says, "The long awaited iPod phone is only available from Cingular via Motorola's new ROKR, hopefully by the hottest buying season in early December it will be on other carriers and/or other handsets. Early usability reviews from techies are mixed but that probably won't stop fans who have been waiting for this killer-app duo." (click on thumbnail to see what may just be the most provocative picture of the ROKR we could find on the net). We found it at : telekomunikacja.interia.pl/. ../news?inf=603327
imedia connection.com -- thanks for the opportunity to comment -- look forward to prognostications on other new technology and marketing developments. Note, blogger and author and emerging media/entertainment consultantJoyce Schwarz has been quoted and interviewed in more than 100 top publications including: Business 2.0, Wall Street Journal, AOL's WORKPLACE OF THE FUTURE, LA TIMES, NEWSDAY, LA DAILY NEWS and on more than 50 radio stations and dozens of TV shows including NBC News and public television. For more info: email Joyce Schwarz at [email protected].