SINBAD AT DIGITAL HOLLYWOOD -- Next Gen Entertainment Media & Audiences....the absolutely fab Sinbad --just on the phone talking about next-gen audiences and how everyone wants to own the Internet and no-one can but that you can make lots of $$$ if you do it right....Sinbad is out there performing at the Las Vegas Hilton and in major city gigs throughout the nation...he workd with thousands of young people and knows where the action is in next-gen content and who the audiences really are....can't wait to hear his presentation on my panel "Next Gen Media & Entertainment" this afternoon...more on that later....Update....Digital Hollywood, 12:30 pm PST 9/20/05 ....on the way to
Digital Hollywood to prep for presentation/moderator for "Next Gen Media and Entertainment" -- see blog 9/19/05 for details....this will make the 11th year I've moderated or spoken at Digital Hollywood NY-based, Victor Harcourt, organizer is the guru of this arena. His brilliant futurist outlook continues to provide a meeting ground for the next generation of media and entertainment. Victor (as everyone calls him) is a master designer for the program and sessions. Topics this year range from "OnDemand Television" to "Embracing the Connected Consumer" to "IPTV Emergence" to panels exploring such hot 'buzzwords' as HDTV, Game Power, Branded Entertainment, Subscription Models to Artists Rights and Piracy...
Loew's Santa Monica -- where the action is inside, not OUT.....
click on thumbnail to see Loew's Santa Monica beach.....gorgeous views from the lobby and cocktail parties on the patio at Digital Hollywood, Fall '05
SEE YOU AT THE BEACH -- okay at the Arcadia Ballroom....