Hollywood2020 : what's new in media and entertainment in Hollywood & Beyond. Founder: Joyce Schwarz, JCOM, www.joycecom.com, author, marketing & new biz consulting. For more info and to sign up for our mailing list [email protected].
10/4/05: DIGITAL HOLLYWOOD, Fall '05 ...second in series of articles....Managing editor Ken Viodi, Viodi View (link) has some great coverage of Digital Hollywood including links to Hollywood2020 blogger founder Joyce Schwarz panel on "New Media Realities" looking at the future of Hollywood. Here's an excerpt from Viodi's coverage. The link above will take you to his full newsletter which is definitely a must-read!. Note, we added some headlines to make the excerpt easier to read. Thanks Ken.
Some Wisdom from Digital Hollywood (excerpted with permission from Viodi View)
by Ken Viodi, managing editor: It is clear that the “over the top” video concept is becoming reality. The big talk at Digital Hollywood was the concept of download to own, where consumers can purchase content via the Internet. In this scenario, customers can burn the content to a DVD or, in the case of Akimbo, store the content remotely on servers in what Akimbo terms, “virtual shelves.” This and many other observations of Digital Hollywood can be found by clicking here.
Digital Hollywood is too much to cover alone, so here are some useful links covering different aspects of this useful conference.
PEER TO PEER CONTENT DELIVERY LINK: Marty Lafferty, CEO of the Distributed Computing Industry Association, provides a good summary of what was discussed in the session regarding Peer to Peer content delivery. Marty will be moderating a panel on Peer to Peer at the IP Video track of Telecom05. Peer to Peer technology could provide telcos with some interesting content distribution options. Based on yesterday’s Senate testimony from Sam Yagan, President of MetaMachine (makers of P2P file sharing program eDonkey), the legal precedent from the recent MGM vs. Grokster decision could freeze innovation by U.S. technology companies in this important technology. Yagan makes the point that the market will ultimately rule and that the technology development will be done offshore, as evidenced by Skype.
Joyce Schwarz moderated a very interesting panel that included, the comedian/cultural expert Sinbad. Sinbad was the best panelist I have heard in years. He provided some of the best insight I have heard regarding how people want to consume media. Of course, it was done in a very entertaining way. Joyce does a great job of summarizing her panel in her blog and writes of, “the five trends to thrive, not just survive in next generation entertainment and media.”