FRENCH FRY we've heard of most everything at Hollywood2020...but when we got a whiff (excuse the pun) of the new Hannspree French Fry TV...we had to take a coffee break and call our Hannspree store in Beverly Hills to see if it was true...IT IS -- take a look here...
Get a whiff of the new 'French Fry' TV from Hannspree -- now on sale in Beverly Hills at the Hannspree store .
ME TV --ultimate in personalization....branded entertainment in 4D from real to reel or reel to reel? LCD screens....awesome ...Hannspree's venture into designer television is just amazing. Our call to the Hannspree store in Beverly Hills was handled skillfully and full of glee by Nathan, the store manager, who telss us that the really hottest items are the APPLE TV (shaped like an Apple, not made by that OTHER BRAND) and a baseball shaped set and something he called VAZ -- a designer version that we think you'll have to see in person because it really doesn't show off well online.
PUMPKIN TIME --- SEND IN THE COACH AND CINDERELLA --thanks to DISNEY licensing deal... just in time for Halloween, instead of a pumpkin coach, send in the Hannspree TV with its licensing from Disney.....
Hannspree "Diamond/Jewel Encrusted" TV that custom-matches her hairstyle-- truly in-VOGUE.......
for more on Hannspree go to or head to Beverly Hills to see the store (one's opening in SFO soon too). The Hannspree store is located at 420 S. Beverly Dr. (near Little Santa Monica) and next to Z Gallery according to Nathan, the shop manager. He says he has a whole APPLE wall-- head over there to take a bite or to the site for a BYTE...