Which would a 23 year old red-blooded American guy choose -- Nintendo or Uma Thurman? In the new movie PRIME starring Meryl Streep and Uma Thurman, Thurman's character Rafi (37 years old in the film) buys her live-in 23 year old lover a Nintendo system for his birthday...we then see Thurman s
tanding in the doorway to their bedroom asking him when he's coming to bed and he sits in front of the Nintendo machine with his controller, eyes glazed over in what many women across country will recognize as the NINTENDO trance...Hollywood2020 blog founder Joyce Schwarz thought she was the only one who saw that scene as one of the most memorable in the film. Yet, a quick check with press reviews shows that the media is mixed (not just on the film) but also on what choice a 23 year old guy would make -- Uma or Nintendo. See what some comments from the press -- we'd love to get your input on this choice?
AXCESS NEWS SAYS: Would you believe there's even a scene where Rafi buys David a Nintendo system, only to see him passing up sex with her so he can play longer? Show me any 23 year-old man facing those options, and he'll pick sex with Uma Thurman every time.
VILLAGE VOICE: -The jailbait angle is softened by the fact that Greenberg looks closer to his actual age of 27; in any case, there's not one straight 23-year-old male in the world who would throw over sex with Thurman to play another round of Nintendo
And David makes little sense as a character. He's a pretty-boy who loves Antonioni, hip-hop and Nintendo and spends so much time fronting and mumbling like an Abercrombie & Fitch model that I'm not sure when he found time to paint meticulous portraits. I understand that David's immaturity is part of the point -- as he puts it, "I wanna be the man you see in me every so often" -- but he's a charmless abstraction, a set of cool attributes. I wanted to thwack him with a shovel. They say 40 is the new 30. I guess that makes 23 the new 13. And I'd rather watch seasoned pros than a 13-year-old any day.
INDYSTAR.com "And when one of Rafi's friends hears about David's birthday wish -- the latest computer game -- her advice is wry but observant: "Do you like the sex? Don't get the Nintendo."