4916 Vineland Ave.North Hollywood, CA 91601Tickets: 800-595-4849, WWW.TIX.COM, Schedule:Thursday 8:00pm / Friday 8:00pm / Saturday 8:00pm / Sunday 3:00pm, Opening Date: October 29, 2005 , closing date, November 13, 2005. According to Theatremania.com (www.theatremania.com) Ray Bradbury's Almost MidnightAmerica's Storyteller has a new evening of theater, opening just before his favorite holiday, Halloween. Ray Bradbury, one of the U.S.A.'s most honored, prolific and beloved authors, presents Ray Bradbury's Almost Midnight. The title is a bit of gallows humor at the 85-year-old writer's own expense. The program consists of four short plays and features a cast of actors most of whom have appeared in Ray's plays before.
Three of the plays are world premiere adaptations of Bradbury short stories and they include: Downwind From Gettysburg." At the opening of a historical exhibit in Gettysburg, a man named Booth (naturally) makes it a point to shoot at an audio-animatronic Abraham Lincoln figure. With Max Ciano, David Polcyn, Simon Russell and Philip Sokoloff. Hollywood2020 could not get a photo in advance from the play so we went searching for photos of audio-animatronic Abranahm Lincolns and we bring you a couple in this post...Hollywood2020 founder Joyce Schwarz remembers first seeing the Lincoln monument and being very moved as a child visiting Washington DC with her family from Ohio...the Animatronic Lincoln at Disneyland was actually quite impressive too. Looking forward to see how they depict the Lincoln animatronics in this play.
an audio-animatronic Lincoln from Disneyland.
The Hall of Presidents at Disney World, Orlando -- wit their Animatronic presidents...
WE INTERRUPT THIS PREVIEW OF ALMOST MIDNIGHT TO EXPLAIN ABOUT A STRANGE LINCOLN DEPICTION....in researching LINCOLN ANDROIDS and ROBOTS we came across some key words that led us to one of the most fascinating depictions of Lincoln we've ever seen and it was from artist/illustrator Adam Strange. His painting called the SCIENCE PARTY CANDIDATE is dated 2003 and is 16" x 20" Acrylic on Masonite Panel • Abraham Lincoln Robot. Note the original is still available $1200. Click on the thumbnail to see his painting. And go to www.adamstrange.com for more info about this awesome artist. Hollywood2020 is so fascinated by Strange's art that we put in a call to him and got him on the first try. He sent over the JPEG we're using here and in tribute to his work, we'll also include a full blog about him later tonight. Check in tomorrow for more details about this artist who calls his work "post modernism" but we see it as artistic socio-political commentary. Truly extraordinary. The closeup of the Science Candidate painting included here in this post shows the "robot" head of Lincoln opening to show three faces including the center one which Strange says is based on a computer chip depiction. In case you didn't get what THE SCIENCE CANDIDATE means he explains that he sees a Science Party starting some day and they could turn to a character like THE SCIENCE CANDIDATE to run for office. Reminds Hollywood2020 of the Virtual Vice President that we created using Chops.com live animation for the DNC in 2000 In Los Angeles...We're sure that Bradbury would appreciate Adam's depiction of the future
BACK TO PLAY PREVIEW: ..."Bless Me Father, For I Have Sinned." Jay Gerber plays Father-confessor to a penitent seeking absolution on Christmas Eve for a truly appalling sin in this story with a clever twist.
"Gotcha!" A beautiful young woman initiates a terrifying psychosexual game with her lover. With Riegan Sage and Simon Russell
The fourth one-act is play: "Ylla" is the story of a married Martian woman haunted by visions of a seductive Earthling. Playing Ylla is Mageina Tovah, who became known to national audiences as a regular on the TV series Joan of Arcadia and as Peter Parker's sexy adoring neighbor in Spiderman 2. Portraying Ylla's husband is Ben Messmer. According to Theatre Mania, Ylla is newly staged for this production and althought the story was once a segment in THE MARTIAN CHRONICLES.
Ray Bradbury to Receive Mars Exploration Award from The Planetary Society Other Bradbury news includes his upcoming honor by the Planetary Society on November 12. http://planetary.org
Bradbury will accept the award on November 12 at The Planetary Society's 25th Anniversary Awards Gala Dinner at the world-renowned Santa Anita Park. Ann Druyan, widow of Society co-founder Carl Sagan, will chair the dinner. Actor Nichelle Nichols, a long-time Planetary Society supporter, will read a selection from Bradbury's Martian Chronicles during the dinner program. On hand will be luminaries from the space community, including Buzz Aldrin, Society Officers Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, Wesley T. Huntress, Jr., and Louis Friedman. Filmmaker James Cameron will also be present to receive the inaugural Cosmos Award for the Public Presentation of Science from The Planetary Society. Northrop Grumman Corporation is the Presenting Sponsor for the dinner, and is joined by other sponsors, including SpaceX, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Raytheon. For more information, visit http://planetary.org/2005awardsdinner.