CURTAINS ARE UP FOR THE ONLINE FILM PROMOS FOR THE NEW VW PASSAT....and it's a cinematic marvel of a campaign of more than 120 films! According to reports from Ad Age, "The German automaker is rolling out the films on its Web site. Each short demonstrates, in a quirky way, a single feature on the redone 2006 Passat. The effort is believed to be the largest number of online short videos ever used for a single campaign." Not surprisingly in this day of video iPods -- each of the videos is just 15 seconds long and reveals a different feature of the car and finally reveals the whole car.
Todd Riley, new media and interactive marketing manager at VW is quoted as saying that VW's campaign is different than BMW "THE HIRE" serial webisode campaign. VW chose to seek out up and coming filmmakers and relatively unknown production houses. The campaign is being promoted online and off and includes according to Ad Age: "The automaker has an online ad buy through late November on portals, lifestyle and third-party auto sites to drive consumers to the films on, Ms. Aragones said. The Passat blitz is the brand’s biggest online launch. The URL is also listed in all offline Passat ads. The amount of time consumers spend on the film-viewing part of the site is twice the amount spent elsewhere on" Alas the campaign is a swan song for their ad agency Arnold because VW moved its account last month without a review to MDC Partners' Crispin Porter & Bogusky, Miami.