PAT MORITA -- ALWAYS GRACIOUS, ALWAYS FUNNY -- TURNS MICROPHONE FIASCO INTO HUMOR.... PAT MORITA HOSTS EVENT: As luck would have it I was able to get Pat Morita to serve as one of the VIP hosts for the event. And can you believe it -- the usual microphone fiasco happened that happens at so many events. WON SUPPORTING ACTOR AWARD: Morita, who was born in California and sent to a Japanese-American internment camp during World War II, won a supporting actor nomination for his portrayal of the witty karate mentor of a young boy in 1984's "The Karate Kid.""Karate Kid" actor Pat Morita dies age 73Reuters - YEP TAKE A LOOK AT THE PHOTOS IN THIS BLOG, THEY TELL A GREAT TALE ABOUT PAT MORITA. Several years ago I had the good fortune to work with Sadahara Oh, the Japanese BABE RUTH of Japanese baseball and organized a tribute event for the launch of his new foundation for the World Children's Baseball Fair to be held annually starting in Los Angeles.
The microphone is not working and I (Joyce Schwarz, consultant for emerging media and also advisor for many non-profits) am pictured trying to fix the microphone. I pull it out of it's base and Morita
is left with nothing but the base to talk into to. While the pix in this blog shows me trying to fix the microphone, Morita started with his own gig talking about how any microphone will do and going into a fun improv. Thanks Pat it was a great day....and you gave us many HAPPY DAYS...LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Pat Morita, the Japanese-American actor who gained fame as the wise Mr. Miyagi in the "Karate Kid" movies and on the television show "Happy Days," has died in Las Vegas at the age of 73.