NBC'S TV SHOW MEDIUM DID IT AGAIN TONIGHT....an episode broadcast in 3D which is causing lots of talk and probably record viewing.. Season 2 Episode 025
STILL LIFE 10/9pm 11/21/05 ALLISON’S VISIONS TAKE ON AN ADDED INTENSITY IN THIS HAUNTING 3-D EPISODE -- When Allison (Emmy winner Patricia Arquette) encounters the work of a popular artist, disturbing, 3-dimensional images emerge that lead her to believe that the man behind these alarming canvasses may have a deadly secret. Jake Weber, Miguel Sandoval, David Cubitt, Sofia Vassilieva and Maria Lark also star. TV-14 that's what NBC says on it's website www.nbc.com. In reality it was an ambitious experiment that made me realize that television is still a powerful medium --especially when you push the edge or as I like to say WHEN THERE IS NO ENVELOPE....
aha -- can't see this image that's because you probably forgot your 3D glasses when watching NBC's MEDIUIM this week....
LUCKILY, this blogger Joyce Schwarz was well-prepared. at the last SIGGRAPH show (click on tag on this blog) I picked up several sets of 3D glasses. And the value of not being a neatnik is that they were hanging around my desk so I just grabbed them and went to the living room for MEDIUM's 3D debut. I ddin't have a chance to check the website in advance. But prior to writing this post I did check to see what other reporters were saying. Alas, GOOGLE search still does not seem to get any real-time reports. Even those posted 3 minutes ago were rehashes of why reporters wanted to watch the show-- not that they did.
BLOGGERS REPORT ON 3D WATCHING -- using markers to make 3D glasses, using a deep sea mask to mimic the blue of the 3D glasses? Unfortunately, not all bloggers were lucky enough to have 3d glasses hanging around their desk. AHHA see mom that's why I told you as a kid I had to be prepared and had all that stuff in my room. It was hilarous to read that some bloggers were using their own glasses and mocking up 3D with blue and red markers which they checked out online in advance...another blogger was using his blue deep sea diving mask for blue and something else for red-- I was ROFL so I didn't even bother to check what he used for the red-- it could not have lived up to my expectations..some other techies in NYC complaining that they got the 3D glasses SPRINT was handing out in a street marketing program (as this evening's MEDIUM sponsors) see www.nbc.com for more info. And then those bloggers said they would not watch again....oh well, their loss.
PG 14 --RATINGS ON NBC?? One of my most popular blogs was previousl about an episode of MEDIIUM that I found especially scary/bloody -- and at that time I noticed that NBC was the one network not rating it's shows. As you can see above this show is now rated. Something happened since that blog. Have to check that out later. I have also since figured out that the episode in question in my blog may have been the original episode of MEDIUM which I had never seen previously for some reason-- it was repeated earlier this fall and this time I knew to close my eyes. Yes I am a sissy. Thriller yes, BLOOD AND GUTS -- just warn me please.......
MORE ABOUT TONIGHT -- ROD SERLING: Yep Rod opened tonight's episode (or now should I say last night (Monday's) MEDIUM on NBC. I found an article that explains that his voice was by an impressionist. For the first few minutes I was wondering how they synched up the old videos and cut and sliced and diced to get the right words. But I figured Rod had probably said the words MEDIUM numerous times I doubt if he ever said 3D but who knows? GIMMICKY yep -- but fascinating. Offensive to Rod Serling fans? TWILIGHT ZONE groupies? probably. I'm sure NBC paid some big licensing fees to the estate.
CLICHE SHOW? Was the whole show cliche -- one blogger said it was the same story as in something called the CHANGLING. I don't know about that but I found the 3D disconcerting. Plus it made me realize that I seldom just WATCH TV -- I was finishing my dinner, making some holiday cards by hand --gluing on sequins etc all while trying to put on the 3D glasses and taking them off. Plus I could not remember if this was the show that I was supposed to go to later to get some clue from or if that was LOST or another show this week. Talk about LEAN FORWARD WATCHING>>>>>>>>>>>>>>imho -- put that logo in the same place on every scene that says 3D -- I'm looking in the right hand lower corner and then it is in the left hand upper corner. Watching me watch MEDIUM was a hoot. Glasses off, glasses on, 3d glasses on, 3d glasses off, cussing my 3D glasses for maybe not being the quality of the TV GUIDE 3D glasses...mine looked a little gray --probably some cool SIGGRAPH 3D style upgrade not necessary for last night's show? Well, at least I didn't ruin my regular glasses with magic marker red and blue felt pens TALK ABOUT BREAKING THROUGH THE FOURTH WALL....so do I have to keep these glasses for another 3D episode or is that it for 3d MEDIUM?? Yep, gotta keep em...price was right anyway. Well done NBC -- heck of a lot of fun...gimmicky yep but that's TV today...and maybe the media today...just what Marshall McLuhan predicted -- the MEDIA IS THE MESSAGE....even in 3d>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>