CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? AN ORDINARY PIECE OF SCOTCH TAPE (TM) CAN DISRUPT SONY/BMG'S DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.... "With a small bit of tape on the outer edge of the CD, the PC then treats the disc as an ordinary single-session music CD and the commonly used music 'rip' programs continue to work as usual." according to a story on on Information Week and scads of other trade and mainstream media reports
Gartner research analysts Martin Reynolds and Mike McGuire say that Sony's XCP technology is stymied by sticking a fingernail-size piece of opaque tape on the outer edge of the CD. That, the pair said in a brief posted online, renders "session 2 -- which contains the self-loading DRM software — unreadable. The PC then treats the CD as an ordinary single-session music CD, and the commonly used CD 'rip' programs continue to work as usual."
BLACK MARKER DISRUPTED DRM IN PAST -- low tech /no tech more powerful than high tech?
This isn't the first time that simple methods have defeated a Sony copy-protection plan. An earlier technology that Sony used could be circumvented by using a black marker to draw a line near the edge of the disc. "After more than five years of trying, the recording industry has not yet demonstrated a workable DRM scheme for music CDs," concluded the Gartner analysts. "It will never achieve this goal as long as CDs must be playable by stand-alone CD players." OTHER USES FOR SCOTCH TAPE (TM)-- okay so the researchers did not really say SCOTCH TAPE by brand-- I saw that they were careful to say "transparent tape" but since it's about the 75th anniversary of Scotch Tape (TM) I thought it would be fun to include this article. And of course this unusual use of Scotch Tape (TM)75 years of better living thanks to Scotch Tape TAPE NOSE TO FOREHEAD AND LOOK LIKE PIG: In 1985, Scotch Tape was voted the most indispensable product in the home in a national Roper opinion pole, and not just because you could tape your nose to your forehead and look like a pig (but it must have helped). |
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