HOLLYWOOD2020 BLOGGER JOYCE SCHWARZ CAUGHT UP WITH 'FREE MONEY/STUFF' GURU MATTHEW LESKO IN THE LOBBY AT THE AD-TECH CONFERENCE IN NEW YORK CITY. Schwarz was at the conclave to see what's new in interactive advertising and to serve as a VIP judge for the Ad Tech awards. Lesko was in the lobby holding court for his many fans and Joyce and Matthew chatted briefly. Lesko was as zany looking as ever but as smart as can be. (see photo from his website www.lesko.com) in this blog.
Matthew Lesko "guru of free stuff and money" at www.lesko.com
Schwarz had met Lesko years ago at Comdex in the Compton's booth I believe when he was launching a CD ROM on his goodies which include a whole library of books and reference material now. Check out the photo in this blog and at his website-- you'll see how Lesko's used his costume and even his Lexus as part of his branding package.
Lesko's wardrobe is as much a part of his appeal as his frantic message - colorful clothes, like his suit covered with neon question marks, his mismatched bright socks, wild bow ties and a seemingly inexhaustible collection of eyeglasses in every color of the rainbow. He even drives the only Lexus with yellow polka dots. Matthew loves his work according to his website.
Matthew Lesko has published over 70 books showing everyday people how to get free services and products from the federal government. He has had two New York Times best-sellers and two national best sellers, Getting Yours and Information USA. In addition, Lesko has twice received the prestigious "Best Reference Book of the Year" award from the American Library Association and is a former syndicated consumer columnist for Good Housekeeping, The New York Times Syndicate and The Chicago Tribune.
Check out Matthew Lesko's website at www.lesko.com -- you can even sign up for his free newsletter.
FREE MONEY $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
His company, Information USA, publishes massive reference books like Free Money for Entrepreneurs and Free Money to Change Your Life as well as popular consumer books: Free Stuff for Seniors, Gobs and Gobs of Free Stuff, Free Health Care and Free Legal Help.
SWAG COMES IN MAIL TO HOLLYWOOD2020 -- even before we had a chance to post info about Joyce and Matthew's meeting at Ad-Tech in the lobby/registration area at the NY Hilton, a big box came in the mail from Matthew's company with what else-- a sampling of his best books. In the biz we call that Swag (Check out our other blogs about SWAG) --Sealed With A Gift (SWAG). Thanks Matthew...we'll be reading those over the holidays and checking out what free stuff we'd love for such efforts as:
1) Setting up our www.futurework.com website and posting info about Joyce Schwarz books such as "SUCCESSFUL RECAREERING" and offering special grants/incentives and free money and stuff for those career clients of Joyce's that are venturing into new arenas. Check out the book at Amazon.com -- "SUCCESSFUL RECAREERING" -- or look more at www.joycecom.com. for details.
2) Revitalizing STAR*COURSE -- how to sell your project and break into Hollywood at Any age -- the class that Joyce has offered to more than 2000 students in Hollywood including Hollywood producers, writers and agents and actors.
3) Launching a new website "LOW VISION/HIGH HOPES" chronicling the efforts Joyce and her mom Ann are dealing with as her mom ventures into a strange and scary world with low vision resulting from a stroke and macular degeneration. We'll tell you more about that later and how technology and entertainment may have real relevance in the quests to help millions of people who are or will be dealing with low vision problems in the future.
ZANY PIX OF BLOGGER JOYCE SCHWARZ -- not to be outdone-- Joyce Schwarz, blogger of Hollywood2020 and founder of JCOM (www.joycecom.com) Hollwood marketing and business development firm celebrating it's 20th year of business in 2006 -- is thrilled to show her zaniest photo of herself from Ad-Tech -- thanks to GOOGLE for their great photographer and all of those fun costume ideas.
Joyce Schwarz on-location in NYC at Ad-Tech showing that life has much to offer-- many rubber chickens and an occasional award in Hollywood & BEYOND....
In one hand Joyce Schwarz holds her own "OSCAR" (TM) and another well, a rubber chicken -- which is a little bit like life is in Hollywood and beyond--- lots of rubber chicken dinners, and an occasional award
We'll be back with you about more info we find in Matthew's books after the holidays -- check out what you can find now at his site www.lesko.com.