LOCAL TELEVISION CHANNELS -- are they the lead-in to LBS (location-based services). Hollywood2020 blogger Joyce Schwarz is on location in Sedona Arizona -- and what is fascinating on television is all LOCAL -- yes -- Fox Television has a local show (a far cry from the outrageous FOX morning show in Los Angeles) and there is Arizona TV and two local channels within the resort for travel/tourism promos.
LOCAL TELEVISION AROUND THE US -- a quick google peek. Here are some links we saw --obviously digital and satellite will make a big difference in the future.
WSAZ will go digital
Daily Mail - Charleston, WV -
... Charleston station manager. "We are all about delivering the best in local television because it's our bread and butter.".
Satellite Television 101
juiceenewsdaily, AL -
... There are three primary types of satellite television usage: reception direct by the viewer, reception by local television affiliates, or reception by headends ..
Take your cable channels with you on the road
CNET News.com, United States -
... For instance, even people living far from their hometowns could get a Slingbox, allowing them to watch their local television in another city or even country. ...
FUTURE OF LOCAL -- Stations' New World Order
Television Week, MI -
Local television stations that capture the smallest slice of their market's advertising dollars and rank toward the back of the ratings pack will likely face ...
Iowans Petition To Deny KGAN License Renewal
Broadcasting & Cable (subscription), NY -
The group, Iowans for Better Local Television, says the station violates FCC’s ownership rules by failing to provide sufficient local news, supplying ...