I WANT MY MISS AMERICA PAGAENT -- No CMT on Adelphia Cable...okay so it's this blogger's fault. I knew it a long time ago-- back when CMT finally got the rights to the 2006 MISS AMERICA pagaent I should have started preparing. I alerted my mom back in Ohio earlier today -- they found it on Channel 69 in a suburb of Cleveland on their cable box. But alas, I could not find CMT -- I thought I had seen CMT on the TV Guide scroll...but nope -- not there.
TRYING TO FIND MISS AMERICA........was like a needle in a haystack -- 100 channels. I call Adelphia Cable -- my provider for cable television and I can barely get an operator after pressing every button there is on the voice menu. First before even asking her a question I have to give all my ID -- including the last four digits of my social security number-- all I want to know is what channel Miss America is on???? Talk about homeland security -- social security number to watch Miss America.
Searching online for Miss America....so meanwhile I'm going to TVguide.com and then to Zaptv or something like that that I'm sent to either through them or someone else to get my local channels. This blogger lives in Marina Del Rey and alas -- it's not the same Adelphia everywhere in the area. So back to www.cmt.com and yes, it is on CMT (Country Music Television)
Checking Google news....Quickly I check Google news-- it's still early about 6:30 p.m. and Miss America isn't on until 8 p.m. PST. But already some reporters are filing stories.
On CMT.com it promises me highlights but nope no highlights just quizzes and photos -- okay Miss Ohio (my home state) is from Akron...her charity or good cause is Diabetes....I vote for her sight unseen and then see her photo, quite charming. My vote doesn't count they say -- Miss Nevada and another gal are leading in the online voting that is just for fun for viewers of at least CMT.com -- other people like me trying to find MISS AMERICA online or off...
BACK TO ADELPHIA CABLE....so I finally sort out that CMT is on Adelphia's digital option -- nope I don't have that -- just the old $58.00 a month thing nope that doesn't include CMT. After giving away my unborn child almost I finally ask the operator about Miss America on CMT -- she asks what's CMT -- and I ask her who works for Adelphia -- me or her? She refers me to Channel 74 -- nope that's CTV -- Court Television -- unless Miss America is ALREADY in trouble with the law she's not on Court TV YET....So then I explain CMT -- and the customer service rep says it can't be on that channel. BUT IT IS and I start to explain to her about the decline of Miss America viewers etc. and I realize that is not getting me my MISS AMERICA show...so I ask for a supervisor -- 7 minutes later -- some guy who sounds like he's from India -- aha -- that's perhaps why they don't know CMT -- back in Bombay or something they are not watching Miss America?? Or maybe I'm just jumping to a prejudice conclusion since so much customer service is outsourced to India -- maybe it's just a nice Indian guy here in Santa Monica some place. So I repeat my story -- CMT etc. Bottomline I tell him CMT is on Adelphia digital and he asks if I have a digital box -- and I say no. And that's it...no box no Miss America...
LOOKING ONLINE ....nowhere to be found. In this day and age I cannot even pay to see Miss America online -- not even video highlights?? I check with bloggers -- maybe someone has found one of those TV online portals where you can watch it legally or maybe even at this late time illegallly --- or I won't ask and don't tell kind of thing....nothing...I register at a couple of places. Several want me to download players-- but I stop at that...no sense if no CMT or Miss America....
Checking Google Blogs...So I check Google blogs-- lots blow by blow guys (yes guys) even are blogging Miss America LIVE -- and then no oh no -- the headlines start showing up MISS OKLAHOMA wins Jennifer Berry -- I don't bother to read more-- I zap her picture into this blog...
Trying to watch down the hall...the gal across the hall is having a dinner party-- but no fear-- her door is ajar so I tap and say -- anyone want to watch Miss America-- hoping for a peek at her Adelphia Digital TV. Instead I get an offer of some outrageous 5 layer crumb cake home made -- nope MISS AMERICA -- I'm on a diet after all -- what's new?? My pal with the big screen TV is in China -- probably watching MISS AMERICA on a hotel TV in Hong Kong -- on satellite of course but not me....I'm settling on taking the quiz about the most popular aspect of the show-- lots of people vote on the Evening gown section -- not me -- it's the crowning. Reminds me of 20 years ago...running around the Ohio University campus -- peeking into dorm windows -- looking for Miss America-- my pal Linda and me -- maybe we had another gal with us too I believe there was -- two small town Ohio gals and me from the big city...peeking into dorm lobby windows looking for a television that was on with Miss America --- and us in our robes and probably curlers in those days before we could afford blow dryers...trying to find Miss America...nothing's changed today -- except expensive blow dryers and a Penthouse in Marina Del Rey that doesn't have Miss America.....
PAY PER VIEW, ON DEMAND, TV2GO -- it dawns on me what I should have done-- checked into a motel -- down the street. Made sure it had CMT first of course and then checked in. Made sure the TV worked (watched a TV blow in New York at the old Plaza Hotel once -- never assume the TV works or the channel comes in until you test it. My ex-husband taught me that one-- don't unpack until you make sure the remote is working.
Maybe next year -- true TV on demand-- MISS AMERICA everywhere???????????okay what would I have paid probably $10.00 for sure maybe even $20 as it got later-- now 1/2 hour into it -- still $20 I've griped enuf....maybe the other gal down the hall would let me watch in her bedroom -- darn she has her boyfriend over?? Maybe the Mexican restaurant down the street has it on one of it's TVs? Maybe a Sports Bar??
PS : ADELPHIA -- please tell your customer service people that CMT is on your digital package....well, I'll just have to tell this tale a couple of times or so at NATPE next week in Vegas. I'll bet the Mandalay Bay has CMT? But no Miss America -- hmm maybe she'll be at one of the booths-- maybe she'll be at the Country Music Television booth at NATPE -- if she is I'll get a photo for you guys...thanks for reading my tale of woe in not finding MISS AMERICA online or off in a box or out of one. If anyone of you found it online -- please show me up and tell me how/where you found it ????thanks....