PREDICTING MOBILE TV THREE YEARS AGO WAS ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE -- BUT now in 2006 as we head for NATPE (National Assn. Television Program Executives) in Las Vegas, we find that not only did Hollywood2020 blogger, columnist, analyst and author Joyce Schwarz' predictions come true..
.but mobile television is now getting it's own day at NATPE and is the subject of some the hottest seminars during the Tuesday- Thursday workshops. Go to for more details on the conference or watch this blog for updates.
Blogger Joyce Schwarz wrote one of the first articles on TV2GO for TELEVISION WEEK BACK on April 14, 2003.She is also the author of "CUTTING THE CORD: GUIDE TO GOING WIRELESS" Macmillan Publishing and more than 250 other articles on emerging entertainment. She is a regular contributor to and their resident wireless expert.
Mobile TV is the topic in some of the hottest seminars and workshops at NATPE but also is the topic of the NATPE Mobile on Monday, January 23.
Speakers include Bruce Gersh, the senior VP of business development at ABC Entertainment; Suranga Chandratillake, the co-founder of Blinkx; Stephen Nuttall, the director of business development at BSkyB; Dan Cohen, the senior VP and general manager of pay-TV at Buena Vista Television; Keith Hindle, the VP of integrated marketing and interactive for the Americas at FremantleMedia; Stephen Davis, the president of mobile media at Infospace and the co-chairman of NATPE; Salil Dalvi, the VP of wireless platforms at NBC Mobile; and Lucy Hood, the senior VP of content and marketing at News Corp. and president of Fox Mobile Entertainment. (see full article below)
or to register and check out all the details go to:
Lineup Announced for NATPE Mobile ++ |