SLASHDOT.ORG REPORTS THAT THE DISNEY/PIXAR DEAL IS GOING THROUGH TOMORROW -- TUESDAY.....we'll be at NATPE and let you know the buzz there. Disney Buys Pixar Posted by ScuttleMonkey on Sunday January 22, @06:22AMfrom the not-just-for-rumor-mills-anymore dept.
BlueDjinn writes to tell us that it appears a great deal of
speculation over Disney's buyout of Pixar Animation Studios is in fact true. From the article:
"[Pixar] is set to meet tomorrow to approve the company's $7bn (£3.9bn) takeover by Disney. The all-share deal will make Steve Jobs, the chief executive of Apple, around $3.5bn and the single largest shareholder in Disney. Jobs created Pixar in 1986 when he paid $10m for the computer animations division of Lucasfilm, owned by Star Wars creator George Lucas." For responses from Slashdotters go to