HOW TO SPEAK LIKE AN AMERICAN INDIAN??? most of us were simply taught to wear a feather in our hair and hand to a mouth and say wooo wooo woo...and we thought we could speak like American Indians-- all the times I drew Pilgrim's hats or Pumpkins for Thanksgiving -- I never learned one word of an American Indian language...for THE NEW WORLD film cast life was a bit harder...for the academic who recreated the language of the time in Virginia it was a LOT HARDER....after seeing the movie this blogger Joyce Schwarz looked up which language it was and how it was recreated and the story is a fascinating one that just hit NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC this week-- here is the link for those of you who would like to know more than WOO HOO.... "New World" Film Revives Extinct Native American Tongue "New World" Film Revives Extinct Native American Tongue (here's an excerpt to encourage you to click on the National Geographic article link included in this blog).... The film depicts the clash between the native Algonquian Indians and English settlers at the founding of Jamestown in present-day Virginia. Malick therefore decided to have the Native American characters speak the indigenous language of the time—Virginia Algonquian. There was only one problem: No one had spoken the tongue for about 200 years. Enter Blair Rudes, a linguist at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. As the amount of Virginia Algonquian dialogue spoken in the movie increased from just two scenes to more than a third of the film, Rudes found himself reconstructing an entire language that had long gone extinct. "New World" Film Revives Extinct Native American news/2006/01/0120_060120_new_world.html - 34k - Jan 26, 2006 - ... For his movie The New World, which arrives in US theaters nationwide today, director Terrence Malick wanted to ...which arrives in U.S. theaters nationwide today, director Terrence Malick wanted to accurately recreate the sights and sounds of a 17th-century English colony. .......
(Click here to download an audio clip.) linking to the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC site)...."NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC" opened up a world to this blogger at 8 years old-- showing me the window beyond my window looking out at a metal fence and a city street.....and it continues to open new worlds today....kudos to them and to the cast, filmmakers and to Blair Rudes.