TV2Go -- TELEVISION ANYWHERE -- as noted in the previous blog Joyce Schwarz wrote one of the first articles for trade publication TV WEEK on the latest market for TV content-- streaming media to handheld and mobile devices back in April, 2003. (Here are some old links but I can't promise they still work (I found on the MPEG forum)Delivering Television Anywhere [Television Week, 25 Apr 03] Delivering Television Anywhere | Wireless |
Note the HIGHBEAM article link still worksTelevision Anywhere; Streaming to PDAs, Cellphones New Market for TV Content.(Converging Media)(new devices are going to change how television is viewed)
TV 24/7/365, is fast becoming the new reality as telephony and broadcasting converge to enable the next generation of PVP’s (portable video players) that will power “TV To Go”. While manufacturers of PCs,laptops, PDAs even some mobile phones are retrofitting to transmit and receive streaming video, new specs and new products are evolving for the next generation of ‘Screenagers’ who want their TV anytime and everywhere.
Picture messaging and mobile phone cameras are seen as building blocks for the yellow brick road to the ultimate electronic Oz of broadcast distribution of music, video and multimedia content including TV transmission to mobile devices. Previewed at the DVB 2003 conference in Dublin this month, a new technology combining Digital Video Broadcast and 3G mobile telephony, called DVB-X is a one-to-many broadcast system to transmit multimedia content to a large audience via mobile handsets. Goeran Wahlberg, Nokia’s director of concepts and technology told conference attendees that DVB-X will become a mandatory spec for handheld devices in the future. BROADCAST TV TO PHONES:
“Broadcast TV to phones is still 12-18 months away,” explains Mark Desautels, Vice President of Wireless Internet Development for the wireless industry trade organization CTIA (Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association). He says that his group is taking a number of steps to work with the entertainment industry to facilitate pre-eminent content to mobile devices and insure high quality reception for the user. Mr. Desautels states that DRM (Digital Rights Management) issues regarding video transmission are on the table and will be a priority in the next 3 months.
Europeans meanwhile are getting the first taste of ‘takeout TV” as part of a video pilot to transmit Internet material to mobile phones. Sonera (Finland’s major communications operator)launches their beta video service this week that enable customers using the Nokia 3650 phone or other devices with RealOne Mobile Players from Real Networks to watch videos. Viewers will get their choice of MTV3’s morning news, Nelonen’s 4Pop (a pop-culture broadcast) and Kaista music videos.
RealNetworks, Ian Freed, vice president mobile products and services says that the Sonera pilot is just one example of how consumers are starting to use their phones in ways they never suspected a couple of years ago. “Audio and video on phones and PDAs is definitely here,” he adds. Mr. Freed explains that content providers and carriers are working together to develop new broadcast-type services. Content is expected to be free at first and then transition to subscription although air time will have to be covered by the consumer. Real Networks launched MLB Gameday Mobile last season and expect to offer it again this year to give baseball fans streaming updates before, during and after games.
Broadcasters are intently watching the evolution of 3G technology in the telecom industry according to John G. Marino, Vice President, Science & Technology, NAB (National Association of Broadcasters). “However at this stage, we are not sure if this new broadcast platform will be 3G (telephony) or Wi-Fi (a wireless radio transmission frequency); both of these of these technologies have the potential to offer consumers alternative ways to receive broadcast content”, he says. The annual NAB conference running in Las Vegas through April 11, labels itself, appropriately.’the world’s largest electronic media show’. Mr. Marino underscores that as new opportunities develop, such as broadcasting directly to cell phones, radio and television broadcasters will want to be the suppliers of program content.
Meantime, the brightest star on the broadcasting horizon appears to be the launch of video playback devices. Stealing the spotlight is Microsoft’s Media2Go software platform, which is built around Windows CE.Net and developed by its embedded systems group. Microsoft began shipping Intel Xscale-based reference hardware in March. Aubrey Edwards, director of marketing for Microsoft’s Embedded and Appliance Platforms Group says that Media2Go is designed to be used as a playback device. “Media2Go provides consumers with the ability to not only choose when to watch their favorite recorded TV content but also where they watch this content”, Edwards explains.
Creative Technology, developer of the Nomad range of MP3 players is partnering with Microsoft to create a line of these portable media playback systems. A built-in hard drive holds music, video and photos, OEM partners can add varying screen sizes (from 3” to even 6 or 7”) and even integrated LCD panels. Microsoft is counting on users recording and storing content somewhere else, most likely a PC or any number of products that provide Personal Video Recorder support for the PC and then downloading it to their players using a method called ‘sync ‘n go’ The Media2Go systems will feature a 20GB hard drive and said to be enough to hold more than 8000 music files, 175 hours of digital quality video or up to 30,000 photographs by compressing almost 40GB of data onto the 20GB.
The catch some critics say is that the video is VCR level quality and battery life is six hours for video and 12 for music but depend on the kind of batteries you use. Microsoft says that other OEM’s are joining Creative on this new mobile media bandwagon and by Christmas 2003,it may be possible to get your MTV and more to go. Of course, you first have to record it and download it and then store it on the device.
Microsoft is not first in this category though since other
MPEG-4 video playback systems are already on the market. Archos range of products now features 20 GB multimedia player that handles DIVX and MPEG-4 video playback and Korea’s Impactra device is already built on a Windows CE platform and a popular choice in Asia. Some Apple fans surveyed maintain that a Video iPOD device may launch this summer, Microsoft had no comment on that possibility. Be on the watch for other international companies like GoConnect Ltd (GCN), an Australian start-up who promises to launch interactive video subscription services for Pocket PC phones to the mobile industry within the next quarter.
Until the new media playback devices and multimedia phones hit the shelves, consumers can get TV TO GO using interim options. Audio fans can listen to many of their favorite network and cable channels such as CNN and MTV on satellite radio systems in their cars or in new home versions of Sirius or XM Satellite radio systems. Pocket PC and Palm PDA owners can turn to websites such as to download broadcast content to their devices and feature programming from Fox Sports, The Weather Channel, NBC and more. There are more than 600 choices offered under the Mazingo subscription service that you can begin to download today. Laptop lovers will find it easier than ever to find wireless connectivity on-the-go as such fast food majors such as McDonalds partner with carriers to offer Wi-Fi hotspots to link to the net where you can catch up with network and cable offerings from broadcasters like and (BLOGGER NOTE MAZINGO DIDN"T MAKE IT TO THE NEXT STAGE AND IS NOW DEFUNCT)
TV To Go is here today, but soon it may be everywhere bringing up the challenge of whether users will want more “on-demand” programming versus appointment television.
Joyce A. Schwarz is an author and emerging entertainment analyst/consultant who heads JCOM, in Marina Del Rey, California. She is the author of CUTTING THE CORD: TECH TV'S GUIDE TO GOING WIRELESS, Macmillan Publishing and several other books including MULTIMEDIA: GATEWAY TO THE NEXT MILLENNIUM (HARCOURT BRACE).
Countries like Canada, Sweden, and South Korea have better, faster Internet connections. People in Japan can download an entire movie in just two minutes, but it can take two hours or more in the United States. Yet, people in Japan pay the same as we do in the U. S. for their Internet connection. Not only do they have the technology for higher speeds, but a larger percentage of people in those countries have access to high speed connections. The United States has fallen to 16th place behind other...
Posted by: Networking PC's | July 26, 2008 at 07:08 PM