ACLU PIZZA VIRAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN REVISITED:it's been almost two years ago since the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) launched it's now famous ACLU Pizza viral marketing campaign to show how new technologies can invade personal privacy.
What made this campaign so effective (and believe me it's still fresh today) is that the ACLU used a clever, almost humorous approach in the presentation. Amazingly it is primarily an audio clip with some screen shots-- but oh how effective it is.
In ACLU's press release back in July, 2004,(link: ) they said, "The fact is that new technologies and new government policies are eroding our personal privacy and creating a 24-hour total surveillance society," said Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the ACLU. "We need to reach people on a basic level and show them how this massive erosion of privacy could have a real impact on their daily lives, even in their late-night pizza deliveries."
In the famous ACLU pizza video, a pizza vendor is able look up a caller's medical records, employment history, credit card purchases, travel plans, library loans and even the magazines that his wife subscribes to, all with the click of a mouse. In one spot, after noticing that the caller recently purchased a pair of 42-inch khakis, the parlor employee suggests he change his order to a "sprout submarine combo" instead of his usual double meat pizza.
Click on thumbnail to see one of the screen's from the ACLU pizza viral marketing campaign that shows how your privacy could be invaded by future technology (that probably exists even today)!
Click on thumbnails to see how the pizza vendor and other retailers could use your private information without your permission if privacy policies are not followed.
To view the ACLU pizza video, go to
Here are some links to what other 'webizens' are saying about the video: t 'nt luoma: ACLU Pizza ACLU Pizza. I don't know whether to laugh or cry, because as funny as this is, I can see it happening: ACLU Pizza (requires Flash). - 4k - The ACLU's site's Pizza example states: The government and corporations are aggressively collecting information about your personal life and your habits. ... iMedia Connection: Pizza and Privacy 2005/06/aclu-pizza-pizza-and-privacy-piece.html - 12k - ACLU Pizza. I've been scanning old entries from Kim Cameron's Identity Weblog, catching up on things I missed the first time round. ... - 9k - Jon Udell sees ACLU Pizza as a sign that the digital identity community ... He is right of course, but I also read ACLU Pizza as a call for conversation. ... - 14k - Pizza and Privacy. August 05, 2004. By Alan Chapell. ACLU video that ... I find it a bit ironic that the ACLU chose a pizza delivery service to make its ... - 36k - Mar 6, 2006 -