watercooler moment (WAW.tur.koo.lur MOH.munt) n. In a television show or radio program, a controversial or exciting segment designed to get people talking about the show. courtesy of wordspy.com
UNITED93: as I walked up to the box office, I hesitated on buying the ticket to the film "United93"...would I, could I sit through the movie? It wasn't until the applause from the audience started during the scene where the passengers head down the aisle with weapons in hand to take over the plane that I was even feeling okay about being in the theatre watching teh film. Then when the second scene showing the passengers 'taking over' started and the audience clapped again I realized it was an important movie to see. Note, the audience I was in did NOT clap at the end of the movie. In fact, only one other person stayed to see the credits. Here's a link to the a review that talks about the controvery describing the assumptions the producers made to create this script: United 93’ movie includes invented details
Honorflight93.com -- donate to the fund.
Probably the best reviewer quote I saw was from the WASHINGTON POST who said 'the movie was great and he hated every minute of it" . Universal's website ttp://www.united93movie.com/index.php is quite stunning showing stills from the film. The site also includes a clickthrough to www.honorflight93.org and encourages viewers to join Universal in making a donation to the Flight93 memorial fund. I just tried to clickthrough to that site and it is not working -- perhaps the donations are flooding it? I hope that's true.
OF COURSE -- once again I'm left with questions -- where was our military defense plan? Why didn't the President's office or VP's office make some kind of a statement to the people. How come our defense system even apparently NORAD had to depend on CNN to tell them the Trade Center was hit by a commercial aircraft and then they stood there watching the second aircraft hit it again. Is our radar of any use now in telling us what's happening beyond what the scopes of the air traffic control centers. Can we still lose track of planes who 'go under the radar"....this film deserves to be accompanied with an online discussion and forums for response. I understand that when the film was previewed several weeks ago it ended with a Placard that said something like America Began It's War On Terror -- and that placard was removed.....if you see a discussion point online for this film please post that info below. thanks...and my prayers and best wishes are with all who made the film but especially with everyone who did not live thorugh that fateful day and their family and friends....