AMERICAN IDOL I've written before AMERICAN IDOL not only mirrors popular culture but it seems to direct it to the next era of 'participation TV', 'user-generated' content and transactional television. The show's fans and foes tell us more about America today than most sociologists or anthropoligists can.
DOES RUMSFELD WATCH AMERICAN IDOL:Great transcript of Larry King interview with Donald Rumsfeld posted online and linked here: Television Interview with Secretary Rumsfeld on CNN's "Larry King ...Here's an excerpt of the ending of the program: "From the Pentagon, this is Larry King with the secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. It's always a great pleasure to be with him.Tomorrow night, the new "American Idol" will be on "Larry King Live." Do you watch it? SEC. RUMSFELD: (Laughs) Heck, no!MR. KING: You don't? (Laughs.) That's funny. Don Rumsfeld rushes home to see who won "American Idol." SEC. RUMSFELD: (Laughs.)"
Idol vote bests elections *courtesy of" More than 60m votes were cast in the final of American Idol, almost 10m more than the highest-ever vote for a president in a US election. Taylor Hicks emerged the winner on a night that saw 63m votes cast the biggest single voting night in the five-season history of the show. In 1984, 54.5m voters backed Ronald Reagan in the 1984 presidential election - the most votes ever obtained by a president. Over 600m votes were cast across this fifth season of American Idol. "It is astonishing to think that this year more people voted for American Idol than have voted for any President of America," said Simon Fuller, creator of American Idol.