HOLLYWOOD GIZMOS & GADGETS -- KEWL STUFF FROM THE FUTURE....from slashdot.org we find out about Techeblog.com's picks for the 10 Strangest Gadgets from the Future....at Hollywood2020.blogs.com, we focus in on the kewl stuff we think Hollywood2020 bloggers and emerging entertainment & media leaders would love to have on their desk or in their media rooms! We've gone to the trouble to track down if these are real or reel as we call them -- just ideas or concepts that you may never see!
EYEMOVE PC -- concept only.
Yep, we checked it out -- this is a concept only. Gates loves these PCs of the future- Indiatimes Infotech -- great article we found on Indiatimes.com that shows this concept design and a score of others including one called Janet (Clemens Lango of Ratingen, Germany won $25,000 for thas design) in a contest coordinated by Microsoft, Dell, HP and in conjunction wit the Industrial Designers Society of America. (see link above for more info)
SMART SILK - - among the other winners in the Next Generation OS PC Design Contest Designer Rebecca Bartells feels that her 'Smart Stik' can be used instead of text books.
Check out the other goodies at the IndiaTimes link above and you'll see some fabulous thought-provoking designs that will prompt us to see the future in advance. Great reference for those naysayers that say that portable devices will never replace the TV 'Set" or the Desktop or the laptop!
DVD SCREEN THE SIZE OF A COMPACT (the size of a woman's make-up compact -- do chicks still use these? ) this is a fun device: The Origami DVD Player -- a portable DVD player concept that could be manufactured with a new e-paper (a full-color flexible display technology) being developed by Mag-Ink in Israel. More on this at www.inventables.com where we got the info about Mag-Ink.
Michael, that's an interesting idea. I didn't check the size of the Origami device-- I thought it was much smaller than DVD -- maybe 2 x 2 inches? More like a 50's style woman's powder compact. That's why I used that analogy. BUT I truly agree--no sense in making a dumb device-- at least have it so you can add memory as an upgrade!
Posted by: joyce schwarz | May 30, 2006 at 09:11 PM
About the Origami DVD Player:
I can't think of anyone that would actually want to carry around a device the size of a DVD. Why not just include some flash memory and let users store their movies.
Posted by: Michael Collins | May 29, 2006 at 10:24 PM