by Joyce Schwarz,, hollywood columnist and emerging entertainment consultant,
Drinking the LOST TV show Kool-aid yet? Or are you like me just totally lost. Suddenly a TV show LOST which is 15th in popularity in the USA is the talk of the town or should I say the world....Check out the front page of the print edition of Wednesday's USA TODAY (link here: USA Today, and yes, the headline is Lost in Lost -- click on thumbnail and you'll see a cool beach shot of the LOST cast waiting for Tsunami to hit (ooops just kidding)--- the only tidal wave is the audience and online reaction that this show and it's suddenly mysteriously fun LOST EXPERIENCE (an ARG -- Alternate Reality Game) is prompting!
Want to get back into the LOST LOOP? Here's what I suggest:
1) Read the link to the USA Today article-- USA Today, it clears up some myths about what's happening on the show and it also prompts more curiosity.
2) Consider reading the real book by a fake author or is it a fake book by a real author -- here is that link book for "BAD TWIN" -- link courtesy of this blog post from FAST CO.Lost" and Found
3) Tune into the LOST discussion group from USA TODAY (yep that newspaper seems pretty obsessed with LOST ....Countdown to 'Lost' where you'll find links to print ads in newspapers (not USA TODAY -- but LOST media buyers give these guys a break -- buy a USA TODAY ad -- they gave you a front page story!! Here's a link to the fake ads for what appears to be a fake foundation (yep that same one I wrote about yesterday noted at the end of the MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 film with a special thanks!
4) Check out this article that calls LOST "television perfection" 'Lost' treads prime-time territory previously unexplored
5) TV's Lost inspires 'game' Lost Experience check out this article on the trade pub (CVG) -- I had to laugh at that because when I showed my articles to get into E3 as media today I had a story on ARGs (Alternate Reality Games) with me-- I think the guy at the front desk didn't consider it a REAL video game article -- and gave me a hard time about getting in --ARG -- what the heck is that? See my recent article on that by linking to the Alternate Reality Game story I wrote for iMedia Connection: Alternate Reality Gaming 101
6) Go to -- just trust me there is a tie in -- read about it here -- The LOST Experience - ARG, Clue #2 and hereTackling the Lost ARG: part 4, and hereSo I finally got in. Basically the first page on the sublymonal ...m
click on thumbnail to see opening page of -- which does indeed tie in somehow to the LOST ARG (alternate reality game).
7) look at this opinion on that site-- Hanso Foundation airs fake commercial during ABC's LOST and then look at this not so coincidental launch of a new campaign by the same ad/design agency that brought us my favorite campaign the SUBservient Chicken Subservient Chicken(sub and sub note the connection to that too?? ) Going Gets Tough, Sprite Gets Weird
AND THEN Don't drink the Kool-aid too young to know what I mean -- well --- go to and they will explain kiddos....Word Spy - drink the Kool-Aid
MORE LATER.....I'll let you know if anyone at the E3 show even knows what I'm talking about -- it doesn't seem to be reaching that hard core gaming audience -- just another 20 million or so people out there --- and you say no one's watching television anymore?????????