Personal Robot PaPeRo gets smarter....according to NEC just announced new tech that enables PaPeRo household robot to connect with personal devices by using a digital avatar that “follows” you ,appears on the screen( on the device) and interacts with you.NEC's PaPeRo robot gets digital . Hollywood2020 wants to know why PaPeRo can't just embed the devices within it's body-- why can't it BE THE TV, BE THE MP3 PLAYER, BE THE CAMCORDER, BE THE DVD PLAYER-- all that metal and no guts? Let's see how smart the avatar can get, previous explanations show that the personal robot is authomomous -- and they show it going to sleep on the couch -- just another couch potato? Most women would not tolerate for another authomomous agent during football games hanging out on the couch! Japanese execs should get a clue! In case you haven't seen the NEC guidelines for their personal robots-- we're reprinting them here-- pretty kewl huh--not unlike guidelines for real people in real relationships -- except the artifact stuff (which I'm sure is really just a language translation goof -- artifacts in our culture go in the attic or are banned to the Goodwill or if worth something-- sold at a yardsale or carried off to the Antiques Roadshow...people generally aren't artifacts? But then some that I know bear a close resemblance to them sometimes! The three principles of the NEC robot | |||
NEC says online: What kinds of things do we want for robots to achieve the "world with personal robots in mind" that we introduced earlier? We present the following 3 items required for robots from the point of view of "interaction with people."