MOTOROLA CEO ED ZANDER -- ON CNBC --as I write this Motorola CEO is live on CNBC TV showing off Q phone(which has a QWERTY keyboard) He says that it's a multimedia device capability bluetooth, camera and makes great phone calls! The Squack Box team is asking him if he's heading after the Blackberry or later even mention the TREO.
QPhone Versus Blackberry?
One of the Squack Box team says that RIM has 75 percent of the corporate market and Zander replies that the corporate market is just developing. A Squack Box team member pulls out her Blackberry and for a minute it looks like they are asking Zander to hold up both the Q phone and the RIM device but he says he won't hold it up chuckling.
Zander points out that Verizon announced product yesterday with rebate and a model for online service. In certain countries,Motorola sells their products retail -- the US they go through the carriers. Goal is to increase operating margins. Another goal is to get to 13 percent of the market. Zander mentions that Motorola is number one in public safety, number one in set-top box. He says they sell a lot more product with the RAZRs -- moving in the right direction. Lots of laughing about 'ugly, clunky, Blackberry from the Squack Box team. Overall --it was not an impressive interview and skimming other articles it does seem that the Q phone from Motorola is heading to compete directly with the RIM device.
In an AP story Zander said "that while the Q will initially target corporate customers, there is more potential for the device among "prosumers." The phone is designed to replace the regular handset, the e-mail pager, and the digital music player according to the AP reporter.
MOTOROLA & THE NEW HOLLYWOOD -- why's Hollywood2020 covering Moto -- because they
are increasingly involved in the marketplace. See our wireless tagCached -Hollywood2020: wireless because we covered their recent visibility at games shows. For example at the GDC (Game Developer's Conference) in San Jose this spring they were the sponsors of a special game coding competition and also were sponsors of awards at the show Motorola Announces Winners of Code:Moto Competition.