BAMBOOZLED AT THE REVOLUTION a 328 page book written back in 2002 by John Matavalli the first computer/intenet columnist for the NEW YORK POST...I just reviewed it based on my retrospective look at what's happened in the past 5 years in the media's the review from by Joyce Schwarz, JCOM,, emerging media & technology business development and marketing consultant and author of several books on new media, entertainment, wireless and workplace of the future!.
REVIEW BY JOYCE SCHWARZ of this book-- review written 6/22/06 and posted on
Written in 2002 -- this book will give you some insight into what's happening in the emerging entertainment space of streaming media, community, broadband and VOD (video on demand) and more....the author says in his preface that this book is about the ultimately quixotic effort by Time Warner and other big media companies to build Internet companies
VOLKSWAGEN Building Cadillacs?
....he explains that the whole thing was like a Volkswagen assembly line suddenly being asked to start building Cadillacs. In the first chapter he mentions Neil Braun, head of Vast Video and I just had to look up to see what Neil is doing today -- he's head of a company called IDT Entertainment and Vanguard Video-- their next film is called SPACE CHIMPS, they also produced Seven Days in Tibet and The Tuxedo for he's not doing that badly...the amazing part of this is that many of the guys and gals who went off to work on the new media divisions of the major corporations -- are still around-- and making deals today-
WHAT DID THE FUTURE HOLD -- this time you know the answers!
- so this is a good book to prep you for what the future may hold and who you may meet! Nice chapter on Time Warner's Full Service Network trials and challenges. Lots of stuff about how Time Warner tried to find media partners in the new economy...of course this was written before AOL BOUGHT TIME WARNER...fascinating huh?
Of course one company you won't find listed is GOOGLE or no iTunes here...amazing how 4 years makes a difference in this new economy...Maybe some of the newspapers should have tried harder to understand the web....because it seems that many of the web companies really understood media and the user generated media revolution much better than the old economy stalwarts thought they did. Now they're lucky to sell their companies for the value of their mailing lists....fascinating...but remember you're only reading up until 2002...
Too bad these books don't have a website that updates them online...hmm maybe that's what I should do with my books --check my profile and you'll see info about those and why I really do know this side of the business -- not only was I there -- I was fighting to get some of the big media companies to really understand how to best be involved!
NICE INTERVIEW WITH JOHN online here: Want Media - Media People: John Motavalli
AUTHOR DOING RADIO SHOW -- it appears that the author of this book is now doing a radio show ---or at least appearing on one from this link: WPKN Today: Friday, June 2 on WPKN 2:00 pm John Motavalli 6:00 pm Free Speech Radio News 6:30 pm Local News ... I find John Motavalli to be very obnoxious in a fashion not unlike Tucker ... 2006/06/friday-june-2-on-wpkn.html - 21k - CONNECTICUT OPINION; FACINGTHE BLISS OF COMMUTING ;JOHN MOTAVALLI LIVES IN SOUTH NORWALK.This was a possibility I had faced before,but jobs always came their way safely within Fairfield County's bounds. Now I was to join the fabled gray-flanneled minions who huddle early mornings on cold platforms. More than one erstwhile friend expressed condolences, saying that they would never stoop to becoming a commuter and sure that I'd become a faceless drudge within weeks.November 30, 1986