Continuing our series of looking back at previous articles that Joyce Schwarz, founder, and head of JCOM emerging entertainment consulting firm in Marina Del Rey, CA's an article from Spring, 2000 that looks at wearable advertising -- courtesy of's fashion show in Los Angeles that year.....
Future-Ads Are Here by Joyce A. Schwarz originally published online 04/12/2000
Anytime, anyplace, anywhere to anyone—that’s the “holy grail” for the advertiser, and it’s coming soon to your arm, your ear, your neck and even your backpack.
Hold onto the bungee cord as the Web jumps off line to “wearable” computers and devices. Soon the Net will be pervasive and the “hottest” fashion accessory for the next decade.
Don’t worry: The savvy style setters promise we won’t look like Borgs from Star Trek. The “wearables” embed computer devices into jewelry, backpacks, purses, eyeglasses and more, making them into IP-enabled devices that provide “always on” access.
Eyeglasses will allow wearers to call up information as they look at the world around them. No guessing anymore about which Picasso painting was from his “blue period” while visiting a museum. You just scan the Web for details while you view the painting in person.
Jewelry by firms such as promises not only to be fabulous but also functional. Some styles even serve as “smart” badges to help users swap contact information instead of exchanging old-fashioned business cards.
Go to to see samples of some of the ads-to-go products mentioned here in this reprint of the article Joyce Schwarz wrote in the year 2000 -- on FUTURE ADS!
Dick Tracy-type watches connecting you to the world 24/7 were once only works of fiction. Today, consumers are starting to demand that watches not only talk but also provide Internet connection.
And all of these new “wearables” are walking, talking, pervasive and possibly invasive advertising vehicles.
Text messages from advertisers and sponsors can be changed every week, day or minute and sent on these devices directly to the consumer. Talk about target marketing and 1 to 1 personalization—these wearables will demand new forms of advertising content and of course new methods for selling the Web online and off.
The trend in selling messages is person to person, not person to place. The new “advertising” goes far beyond getting the viewer’s television screen or the Web site banner.
And developed and sold creatively the new economy “messaging” is a pull vs push proposition. Consumers pull the information they need from the “wearables” versus being “pushed” ads from products they’re not interested in.
Creating the new forms of advertising, sponsorship and partnerships is the challenge for 21st Century marketing gurus. One of the models some experts have been betting on is more of a PBS system in which the information being sent to the consumer via the “wearable” is tagged “brought to you by”, as in a PBS sponsorship in which a program is brought to you by General Motors or General Electric.
The trick seems to be to offer something useful in exchange for user’s personal information. Tell us exactly where you are when you request directions to the next Starbucks and that location will print out a buy-one-get-one-free coupon for your next Cafe Mocha.
Some exciting wearables were featured at the Internet World fashion show produced by Alex Lightman, CEO of
Joyce A. Schwarz is CEO, JCOM consulting, and co-founder, Mayday, a full service branding, PR and advertising agency located in Marina Del Rey, CA ( ). She’s also the Workplace of the Future editor for AOL, has authored several books on changing careers and is in the process of creating She can be reached at (3l0) 822-3119