THE ROYAL ORDER OF SCREECHERS-- NEWFOUNDLAND TRADITION requires that newbies (first time visitors) to Newfoundland be initiated in the ROYAL ORDER OF SCREECHERS.
Here are some photos from the Initiation ceremonies held at the Seaside Restaurant for the Earth To Human (www.earthtohuman) experience group. Note Joyce Schwarz, blogger was on hand to participate in the festivities and to document them for the group. If you are part of THE ROYAL ORDER OF SCREECHERS, please send details or add comments about your initiation ceremony. If not, then it's up to you to get to Newfoundland for your initiation experience and to join immediately. It is a must see/must experience evening that you cannot miss if you are a true world-wide traveler. The true GOLDEN ELIXIR of Newfoundland -- SCREECH....
A front lawn sign captured by Joyce Schwarz in Newfoundland-- seemed appropriate for the opening to this post on The Royal Order of Screechers.
Aunt Sophie --preciding officer for the ROYAL ORDER OF SCREECHERS initiation ceremonies for the EARTH TO HUMAN eco-tour.
Colorful yellow rain-gear is the perfect attire for your ROYAL ORDER OF SCREECHERS ceremony -- so be prepared and bring your own or borrow some prior to your Screecher event in Newfoundland.
Did anyone tell you that you look VERY different before and after your Royal Order of Screechers ceremony in withheld of person pictured --all we can tell you is he is definitely a SCREECHER.
Sure hope that what happens in Newfoundland, stays in Newfoundland...Screecher ceremony pictured in progress.
And you thought only the Blue Man group was've got to get to Newfoundland to meet Screechers undergoing transformation -- one Screecherand one Newfie caught prior to the ceremony here in this JPEG. Click on thumbnail to see more BLUENESS.
Newfies and visitors await Screecher ceremony with much enthusiasm.
Be sure to bring proof of previous visit to Newfoundland-- or you may be subject to initiation again and again. This couple from Ottawa, Canada was on hand for our Screecher ceremony. And they seem to enjoy the festivities.
Even the Newfie pictured in the Lath art on the wall of the ceremony wall had to turn his back to avoid being pulled into the ceremony for the Royal Order of Screechers -- amazing art, amazing Province -- Newfoundland-- come for the scenery but meet the people-- both are unforgetable.
All Screechers join together to commemorate evening after the ceremony of The Royal OrdNoer of Screechers for the Earth To Human tour. Not pictured blogger Joyce Schwarz who is taking pix (of course).