RINGING IN GREETINGS TO NEWFOUNDLAND is blogger and emerging media and entertainment expert Joyce Schwarz. Shown on locationat WOODY POINT mini-museum where she explored a history of telecommunications of Newfoundland. She's shown trying to figure out which end of the phone is up or down in this JPEG.
DIAL-UP.....wow is it still around. Although the Internet now connects even outpost communities and far flung locations like Woody Point Newfoundland, many connections this blogger encountered were still dial up. Some wireless -- but wireless dial-up. High speed is still rolling into these areas. A display of old-fashioned phones and telecom equipment at the Woody Point mini-museum reminds readers that phones have indeed evolved over the past century. What will they look like next century...well, keep reading and you'll see that we will flash forward to show you more about that. Meanwhile peek at this JPEG from the Woody Point mini-museum.
JPEG shows phones throughout the century-- even far flung communities like Newfoundland wants the latest tech to connect them to the future.
Entrepreneur Bruce Martin gave the Earth To Human group a private tour of Woody Point Newfoundland. Photosof the historic homes and roads are pictured in this blog.
No Buts about it -- one side of the signage o this store promotes Pepsi the other side Coke-- got to keep your options open when you're in Newfoundland!
Selling firewood on the honor sysem in Newfoundland....that kind of trust is just typical of the warmth you get in Newfoundland from the Newfies!
Closest we got to seeing a movie theatre in Woody Point, Newfoundland-- a collection of century old home 'movie viewers' on display at the mini-museum. Available on demand -- the early tech must have fascinated outposts and far flung areas like Newfoundland a century ago-- since it was surely admired by city folk as next-gen entertainment began to replace old-fashioned storytelling around the world in the 19th and early 20th Century.
blogger Joyce Schwarz was on location in Newfoundland to explore the relatioship of culture in a sustainable society. Flashbacks to early technology and the importance of emerging media like the Internet and ArticNet (used in exploring Artic areas) became key during the experience. Stay tuned for more info about Earth To Human (www.earthtohuman.com) or go to Horizon & Co www.horizon-co.com to see about other adventure experiences they have that will flip you out of your own fishbowl of the city.