ON LOCATION IN BONNE BAY, NEWFOUNDLAND...at the Bonne Bay Marine Station with Dr. Robert Hooper, Director. .
.back to the time of Captain Cook's explorations in Atlantic Canada and flash forward to underwater exploration on land...it was quite a visit for the Earth to Human (www.earthtohuman.com) Eco trip participants as they saw the next wave of oceanography today with a behind-the-scenes tour and talk by Dr. Hooper and demo of technology by Steve String in the Marine Station tech lab.
On location at the Bonne Bay, Newfoundland Marine Station -- exploring the 'next wave' of Oceanography with a lecture by Dr. Robert Hooper, Director Bonne Bay Marine Station.
hmmm which way do fish swim -- click on thumbnail JPEG from the Bonne Bay Marine Stationo in Newfoundland-- there are many ways to view the wonders of the sea.
Earth To Human is a luxury adventure/journey through the beauty of Gros Morne Naitonal Park and the Great Northen Peninsula of Newfoundland. The trip is part of the exploratory series of Horizon & Co. , a Canadian boutique travel bureau. Cultural and eco programming elements were woven into the weeklong experience. The adventure was organized with the cooperation of Parks Canada and is the brainchild of David Maggs, who is also the Artistic Director of the Gros Morne Music festival. For more details go to www.earthtohuman.com or check out other adventures at www.horizon-co.com, or email me at [email protected]. If you're a faithful reader of this blog you know that Joyce Schwarz is along for the eco-experience primarily to explore the impact that the outdoors has on future entertainment development/creation and to see what steps can be taken to conquer the mass epidemic of Videophilia where more kids in the USA are using their Xbox than their sandbox -- a phenom explored by a recent study by the US National Park Service. Watch for more on Videophilia and what Dr. Michael Newton, Memorial University of Newfoundland has talked about in his eco-psychology presentation about Biophilia!