LINKING ALL CREATURES--with each other, the earth and the whole universe is no easy feat...but on the final day of the Earth To Human eco-trip (, Dr. Michael Newton focused on that challenge.
(Dr. Newton beginning to weave the "web of life" during the Earth To Human ecotrip in Newfoundland.)
Click on thumbnails to see the web of twine and the Earth To Human group in process.
Dr. Newton talks about the exercise
"My role in this endeavour? I was to tie up the week's experience. I did that literally by having all the participants share their impressions and then passing or throwing a ball of twine to the next person until we had a web that represented the web of life that links all living creatures together with each other, the earth and the whole universe."
The website explains that "As professor of Religious Studies at Sir Wilfred Grenfell College in Corner Brook, Newton shares his enthusiasm for the environment in a course entitled "Spirituality and the Earth".
File photo from eco-trip showing polination in process...from earth to sky to flora to fauna to birds and bees....
Thanks to Dr. Newton for his insights and for his link to this blogger:
Check out the blog of one of the travel writers, Joyce Schwarz, who accompanied us for her perspective of the trip:
This post is continues a series of recaps on the eco-trip that blogger and travel writer Joyce Schwarz joined on the Western Peninsula of Newfoundland. The experience was organized by David Maggs, artistic directcor of the Gros Mourne Music Festival in conjunction with boutique travel firm Horizon & Co, Parks Canada and Newfoundland Tourism. For more information email: [email protected]