.(note blogger Joyce Schwarz just received this report, we are posting it without final verifaction for your advance review & info)
Schwarz, an emerging technology analyst says, "If this FX system is as good as they say -- the entertainment industry will never be the same...it's like they found the HOLY GRAIL...no one ever gets old again...even in the movies!
Forwarded via email to Hollywood2020 by an industry insider.....
Face Lift (FL) New Tech Promises to Change Industry!
In a surprise announcement made the day following the Electronic Gaming Summit that is held each year in the Northern California wine country and organized by Ziff Davis, a revolutionary technology breakthrough was introduced to the technology press. The summit is made up of companies from the special interest media and publishing companies. Questions were not permitted, so this report is not complete.
While the existence of this technology was leaked two days before by the New York Times, ITDG Publishing had prematurely reported the formation of this new technology company headed by several entertainment and technology partners called “Face Lift” (FL) that could change the direction of the entertainment space of all media companies, and ultimately permit individual consumers to obtain the ability to become creators of high quality content.
(Blogger note -- since we were not at the press conference we have deleted the following graph of the press release -- noted here for record only js)
Johnny Depp to Replace Henry Fonda?
Blogger note --supposedly according to the received email, "A segment of the original Walt Disney Classic movie Snow White was shown with the characters appearing separated from the backgrounds, and the backgrounds were shown without the characters." (Our emailer reports that " In addition a short demonstration video was presented that replaced Henry Fonda’s role in a scene from Fonda’s award winning film “Twelve Angry Men, with Johnny Depp.”
JOHN WAYNE -- new TV series in the works?
The email says --that FL principals report that the technology would allow the separation of all audio and video components from the John Wayne movies,( for example), and utilize the components to make new movie and television content that could star John Wayne, or using the movies as is and replace cast members with contemporary talent, or possibly other dead performers. A spokesperson for FL stated that with their technology, “everything old can be new again.” (Blogger note an unnamed company spokesperson is reported to have said "Why settle for performers in roles that they are known for when they can be replaced by other, more contemporary performers without re-shooting any of the film, or paying anyone for its use?"
In the email received by Hollywood2020blogs.com, FL states as well that they will continue to use massive on-line research to determine what performers (living or dead) should be used in what roles. If you are not happy with Roger Moore playing the Bond roles, just replace him with Sean Connery.
The FL email says cavalierly that "This will also facilitate the use of famous dead performers on interactive game platforms without the payment of royalties to any dead person."
In a parallel announcement, according the same email, rather astoundingly, FL reports it has acquired all rights and interests in the content that features the Beatles, their songs, movies etc. to be used to create new television, movie, and music videos. As part of the announcement, FL indicated that it was their intention to combine other musical stars that are no longer with us to perform together and with the Beatles, or individual members of the group. Imagine a duet performed by John Lennon and Dinah Shore, or Nat King Cole performing with Ringo Starr. Blogger note -- what is this company thinking? BLOGGER NOTE WE ARE DELETING BECAUSE WE COULD NOT CONFIRM AS OF PRESS TIME>........
Resurrecting Dead Stars...24/7/365....perpetual monetization?
The company’s unnamed founders would not comment on the appropriateness of resurrecting dead people to perform again without payment of any sort of royalties to the heirs or the estate of those involved. A FL founder was quoted as saying “they are dead and will remain so for a long time so why should they care, and why would anyone possibly say that any of this is tasteless?”
Blogger note we could not confirm the following graph so are deleting that from our report too..it is here just for the record.
The email reports that Time-Warner a reported-early-investor in the FACE LIFT technology plans to GONE WITH THE WIND and WIZARD OF OZ...according to rumours -- Brad Pitt will play Clark Gable and Madonna is in negotiation to play Judy Garland.
The President of the Screen Actor’s Guild was quoted as saying that his union would take the issue to court and sue FL in that they maintain that the technology could mean the end of meaningful employment for its members, and would not be tolerated. (Blogger note, since it was Sunday, we could not locate the 'unnamed president of SAG) who supposedly made this comment).
The email says that "This technology promises to make the furor surrounding the colorization of old black and white movies seem like a miniscule event." All of this technology represents the next step in the entertainment space, and will allow performers who are no longer living, to proceed with their careers. Imagine James Dean coming back to do new roles? The opportunities are limitless.
by Morris Finkelstein St. Louis Post Dispatch
Blogger note, Finkelstein could not be located at the St. Louis Post Dispatch...google search shows Morris Finkelsteins located in Cos Cob, Conn and other locations and it also notes the obituary for a Morris Finkelstein for July 20, 2006 --we trust that it not the reporter but if it is how tragic since the FL tech could be used to bring him back too!