by Joyce Schwarz,, HOLLYWOOD2020 is not the only blogger outraged by's policy of scraping or agregagint whole weblogs-- literally cloning them and republishing them with Google Adwords without the permission from the original author.
Here are some other links to bloggers who are complaining:
Kevin Burton's Feed Blog: Recursive Bitacle Spam Trackback
Naked Conversations: Bitacle is Heisting My Content
» Blog Archive » How Much is Bitacle Biting?
Are Bitacle blog thieves too? - Lutrov Communications
Those Bastards!! ( at spoken for
Blog Archive » Bitacle a Biter?
Jenkins relegates Bitacle to Hell
FINALLY THERE IS A COMMENT ON, I was going to put one there earlier but got sidetracked trying to talk back and forth with Typepad.
Here is another response from typepad on my query to them. If you notice in an earlier post I mentioned that I did talk to the PR gal who was great. She referred my concern to the GM who responded thoughtfully-- but who's only advice is to "change my settings to excerpts" not 'complete posts". Now several other bloggers tell me that blog excerpts is a policy usually followed only by 'sploggers' -- (spam blogs)! So even though I did change my settings and recommended other Typepad users change their settings it may not be an ideal response.
Sometime this morning I sent an email call for help to Typepad's support system -- I just got a response from them now --it's 6:35 PST here-- took about 6-7 hours I guess...on a matter that I think is a big deal. Yes, the GM called me but I feel that was only because I knew enuf to call the PR office...most bloggers or newbies would not do that. So here's what TYPEPAD's HELP SUPPORT RECOMMENDS:
"Thank you for your note. Bitacle is a aggregator that
syndicates your weblog based on your weblog's feeds. This
isn't something that TypePad can prevent. You may want to
change your weblog's privacy settings to prevent this in
the future. Try going to Weblogs > Edit Configuration >
Publicity and changing your settings to No.
AND THEY ADD: You may want to try contacting Bitacle directly and ask
them to remove your weblog. They have more information on
their service here:
THANKS FOR THE INPUT! Great soon I'll be doing a blog for no one -- every post will have to be password protected.
ALL OF THIS STARTED IN THE PAST 48 hours-- yet only now is it even mentioned on --there are no comments on
From what I've been reading on other blogs, it appears if you control your own RSS syndication and configure your own blog with HTML -- YOU CAN PROTECT YOURSELF FROM BITACLE. It also appears it may be possible to notify Bitacle to not Spider your blog -- but of course, they get to keep the 390 posts they have cloned. I'm wondering just how much $$$ Google is making from the influx of links from the Adwords on these cloned blogs by Bitacle.
BETTER INPUT FROM BLOG SERVICES IS NEEDED ON blogger mentions a move to get Wordpress to block Bitacle. My only choices appear to be to 1) adjust my settings to excerpts which I did for my RSS feeds via Typepad. Get a webmaster to see if they can configure in some code to stop this unauthorized use of Hollywood2020's hundreds of posts or to set up a password protectected blog.
NO OLD MEDIA COVERAGE ON THIS?? -- where is the coverage about his outrage of bloggers from the San Jose Mercury News, what about BUSINESS WEEK, what about NY TIMES, what about FORBES? Is everyone in Tokyo at the game show? Or at their grandparents for the holiday weekend? Joyce Schwarz, blogging at . If you are not reading this story at this site-- then you know it is being used without the author's permission.
thanks for your sharing.sir!
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Posted by: cool dog | October 10, 2007 at 08:58 AM
I'm not sure why the old media should care. It's not like this is a new phenomenon; splogs with stolen content have been around for a long time. This one's just getting more publicity than most.
Posted by: Fake Rake | September 24, 2006 at 07:14 PM