STOLE MY BLOG by Joyce Schwarz, -- yes, 390 posts are now on another website that is basically a clone of my blog: I would say go look and provide you the link to this COPYCAT but I want you to read my story first!
go ahead and click on this thumbnail -- you'll see a clone of the website -- now complete with GOOGLE adwords inserted. In ENGLISH and apparently feeding around the world. Blogger Joyce Schwarz just found a link to this site in a trackback on yesterday's Hollywood2020 post.
BATMOBILE STORY NOW MONETIZED WITH BATMAN ADWORDS -- no permission -- just stolen -- 390 of my 470+ posts are all nicely layed out on this copycat site --with google adwords on the top of the posts and on the right side. On the left side is a listing of all of the posts.
Bitacle's right side of illegal clone of now full of google adwords
Go to the bottom of the page(thumbnail does not link to their illegal clone) and you'll be able to click through to 390 other posts-- all monetized with Google adwords without my permission.
FOR EXAMPLE BATMOBILE -- now monetized with Batman merchandise! Including something called the GOTHAM SET and also Batman wallpaper.
So what am I doing? (1) I scanned Google of course, immediately to find out who Bitacle was/is? And I noted that some other bloggers have gotten bitten by Bitacle --and it all looks like it's recent in this past week -- except for one guy that appears to have gotten ripped off in Spanish earlier this summer or last spring.2)Then I checked over at Typepad for info -- nothing a search in their search box for Bitacle turned up NADA. 3) I sent in a HELP QUERY to Typepad -- no customer service number is given for help 4) Then I put a call into the PR Department at who owns Typepad (the company that I pay each month to use this software to create this blog daily). So I am their customer. And here's what's happened so far with that call:
WHAT TYPEPAD/SIX APART'S PR DEPT HAD TO SAY ABOUT BITACLE!A nice gal named Kimberly answered the PR line -- and I asked her if she'd heard of Bitacle (after introducing myself-- turns out I had met Six Apart down at DEMO Mobile in 2004 even Mena Trott the co-founder, herself was there). Kimbery, Six Apart's PR gal, had not heard of the company. I explained they had stolen my blog. She could not have been nicer and said to send a link immediately (sent 45 minutes ago) and she would have the tech department look at it. NOTE NO RESPONSE FROM SIX APART AS OF 12:50 p.m. Friday, September 22.
Okay, you've heard the first part of this sad tale-- and now you can link to the Bitacle's illegal clone of Hollywood2020 -- all 390 posts monetized by GOOGLE Adwords! Here's the link to Bitacle's ILLEGAL CLONE of this blog. Here's what it says in the browser at the illegal clone:
AND this is the address that was on the trackback sent to me via normal email via normally telling me that someone was linking to my blog BUT NOT NORMALLY stealing all of the content of the blog to monetize it in English with GOOGLE AD WORDS!"Source:
From Post:"
TO BE me at [email protected] ifyou can help or want to comment outside of this blogosphere!