YES, YOUR BARBIE CAN BE MARIE ANTOINETTE....great Halloween gift or decoration ....for any age...for the costume lover.... by Joyce Schwarz, blogging at you can find a Marie Antoinette outfit for your Barbie doll you may be able to save yourself a fortune..this one on is going for $ about collectible..
WHY DON"T THEY SELL THIS KIND OF STUFF AT THE CONCESSION STAND AT MOVIES? I can never figure out why they don't sell Hollywood memorabilia and connected merchandise at the concession stand at movie theatres...enuff already of the candy and popcorn and ice cream goodies-- if you're going to spend $20 at the movies-- at least go home with a kewl souveneir of the movie-- like they do at most Broadway theatres?
Who could resist a Marie Antoinette dress after that movie..And I think most people would love to play dress up and take photos of their daughters (or themselves) in a Marie Antoinette costume-- okay if no costume at least one of those cardboard cut-outs.! MARK CUBAN is always talking about how to merchandise and get people to theatres-- turn them into events...who ever went to a circus and didn't buy some merchandise? Wow, I remember really wanting a chameleon...but I ended up with a clown trick-- one of those wire snakes in a jar kind of thing!!!.....