FLOW is a game that is being bundled wit the PS3 by Joyce Schwarz, JCOM, emerging entertainment analyst/consultant blogging at www.hollywood2020.blogs.com-- see an excerpt from my colleague Jim Louderback's story in Sony Unveils Playstation 3 Online and Game Details....
FLOW created at USC Lab -- helps achieve zen-like gamer state
Jim says, "I was particularly taken by the PS3 version of the popular Flash game Flow. Flow was designed to help users achieve a zen-like state through game playing, and is very addicting."It's like a feature film, compared to a student film," said one of the game's designers, describing the PS3 version of Flow. It'll also download in about 17 seconds, claimed Sony.
LINK TO LATEST IGN interview with CLOUD/FLOW co-creators: -
http://www.thatcloudgame.com (history of cloud/flow & more info on co-creators from the Interactive Media Dvision at USC School of Cinema & TV
Jenova Chen: I and my partner Kellee Santiago formed a company called thatgamecompany to make video games, and flOw is our first child out of the company. ... Flow in Games is a unique methodology applicable by the frontline video game .. Jenova Chen was born in Shanghai China and came to the US in 2003. ... Jenova Chen, designer behind flOw, was recently interviewed over at ... and faster” rut that all consoles and games in general has been in for a while. ... Current Update 04/14/2006 Offline Version (PC & Mac) 8.4mb Mirror 1 | Mirror 2 | Mirror 3 · Play in Black | How to play? ... |