GO EAST YOUNG MAN...go East...who knew that gurus would be heading East to look at the FUTURE OF ENTERTAINMENT next month? by Joyce Schwarz, blogging at hollywood2020.blogs.com
check out the design for the home page for the Future of Entertainment Conference in Cambridge, Mass next month--catch that iPOD on TV...see photo credit and design credit by clicking on thumbnail here.
Well, we found a new conference that is covering just that at Cambridge, Mass November 17-18. The confab is put on by the MIT Comparative Studies Program and the Convergence Culture Association. Here's what the website http://convergenceculture.org/futuresofentertainment/index.html
About that event:
As advertisers look for new ways to engage audiences, content creators search for new audiences, and audiences quest for new ways to connect with culture, the nature of what counts as 'entertainment' is rapidly changing. We are seeing the blurring of aesthetic and technological distinctions between media platforms, of 'advertising' and 'content' and of 'creator' and 'consumer'. Futures of Entertainment brings together key industry leaders who are shaping these new directions in our culture. The conference will consider developments such as user-generated content, transmedia storytelling, the rise of mobile media and the emergence of social networking.
*TELEVISION FUTURES *USER-GENERATED CONTENT" *FAN CULTURES and two interesting categories they seem to be promo-ing that we haven't really seen named with these titles before:
*TRANSMEDIA PROPERTIES -- and we at Hollywood2020.blogs.com include their blurb on that here: The cultural logic of convergence lends itself to a flow of narratives, characters, and worlds across media platforms. Moving beyond older models based on liscensed ancillary products, transmedia extensions are now seen as expanding the opportunities for storytelling, enabling new kinds of entertainment experiences, building up secondary characters or backstory. Transmedia extension may also create alternative openings for different market segments and enable more extensive contact with brands. The great potential of transmediation is to deepen audience engagement, but this requires greater awareness of the specific benefits of working within different platforms
NOT THE REAL WORLD ANYMORE: Virtual spaces are more than sites for emulating the real world. They are becoming platforms for thought experiments -- some of which involve fantasies we would not like to enact in the real world, others involve possibilities that we may want to test market before putting into practice. Much more than simulacra of Real Life or a 3D version of text-based Internet communities, online worlds represent new sites for considering questions of community and connectivity.
Kevin Barrett is the Director of Design at BioWare Corp.
Danah Boyd ,doctoral candidate,School of Information at the Univ of Cal Berkeley, fellow USC Annenberg Center for Communications, social media researcher at Yahoo!Her current work is funded by the MacArthur Foundation as part of a broader grant on digital youth and informal learning. For more information on danah, see her blog: Apophenia.
Alex Chisholm is founder of [ICE]3 Studios, a media research and development consultancy that creates transmedia entertainment and educational properties, and is currently developing several projects with NBC Universal He is Co-Director of the Education Arcade at MIT,
Caterina Fake is Director of Tech Development at Yahoo! Inc. In February 2004, she launched Flickr
Ji Lee is the creator of Talk Back: The Bubble Project and Univers Revolved: A 3-Dimensional Alphabet. Currently, he is an Art Director at Droga5
Michael Lebowitz is the co-founder and CEO of Big Spaceship, a New York-based creative agency
John Lester joined Linden Lab, creators of the virtual world Second Life, in 2005. He focuses on community development and works with educators interested in using virtual worlds for academic purposes
Paul Levitz is the president and publisher of DC Comics.
Jason Mittell is an assistant professor Middlebury College and author Genre and Television: From Cop Shows to Cartoons in American Culture
Diane Nelson currently serves as the president of Warner Premiere, the newly created direct-to-DVD production arm at Warner Bros. Entertainment.
Rob Tercek Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of the (M)FORMA Group, a global publisher of mobile entertainment.