WHAT'S THE FUTURE OF SEARCH AND PERSONALIZATION....by Joyce Schwarz, JCOM, www.joycecom.com, marketing and business development for launches in emerging entertainment, tech & media.
TELEPRESENCE, WIRELESS & ICONS --keys to future of search & discovery.
How will the latest developments in multimedia, immersive environments, telepresence, RFID, text messaging and holographic and iconic images change how we search & discover info/edu-tainment and more?
In moderator Joyce Schwarz preview to her panel on Search and Personalization at fall Digital Hollywood, 2006, she presented a futuristic depiction of how next-gen tech & media will radically alter search and discover of info for business, gaming, edu-tainment, training and way-finding around the world.
Note a complete slide by slide presentation is available from Joyce Schwarz, email her at [email protected] for permission to view the presentation. Note it is copy-written so do not use the slides without her permission nor copy the presentation.
Interface is key in the future of search and discovery according to Joyce Schwarz, JCOM, moderator FUTURE OF SEARCH AND PERSONALIZATION, Digital Hollywood, fall, 2006 and author & public speaker and new product launch consultant at JCOM, www.joycecom.com.
A scene from the film MINORITY REPORT emphasizes a point that Joyce Schwarz makes in her preview of the future of search and discovery -- the fact that search is going vertical and horizontal --multi-level, hyper-search is becoming increasingly popular in virtual worlds, immersive environments and telepresence according to Schwarz, www.joycecom.com.
STAR WARS holograms and STAR TREK-type HOLODECKS become more realistic options for search and discovery especially in today's science and pharmaceutical labs as depicted at several recent SIGGRAPH 'walk-through' holographic experiences according to Joyce Schwarz, JCOM, author and futurist, www.joycecom.com.
First of a series of posts on the future of search and discovery as part of a preview presentation by Joyce Schwarz, JCOM @ Digital Hollywood, fall, 2006, for more information or permissions for this presentation, email Joyce Schwarz, JCOM, [email protected]. Note the presentation is copy written so permissions are necessary.