BILLIONS OF DOLLARS EXCHANGING hands for videos online wanted to see what we could find on the major video sites for video of HAWAII EARTHQUAKE...we entered those words in quotes on GOOGLE VIDEO and this is what we found...don't bother clicking on it-- it doesn't even work-- and what is that ELMO in the photo?
Home Video of Hawaii 6.6 Earthquake on 10-15-2006
48 sec - Oct 15, 2006 (Don't click-- doesn't work and what does Elmo know about the Hawaii earthquake anyway??) Amazingly this is the only response we got from Google Video for searching "Hawaii Earthquake" 12 hours after the event.
SO WE HEADED OVER TO -- certainly some amateur videographers sent in their videos right?
RESULTS FROM YOUTUBE.COM ---nothing! Video results for '"Hawaii earthquake"' No Videos found for '"Hawaii earthquake"'
What if your family's there now and you want to see some video? Well by coincidence, we clicked on the NBC station in it appears both of these cities: Parkersburg, West Virginia / Marietta, Ohio And we find that WTAP has a station-sponsored trip on the BIG ISLAND right now....
![]() Their site at WTAP says: Kirk Greenfield, WTAP's Chief Meteorologist, says he, his wife and their travelling companions are "OK" after this morning's earthquake off the big island of Hawaii. IT GOES ON TO EXPLAIN:Greenfield is part of a station-sponsored trip to Hawaii, which includes approximately 40 people mostly from the Mid-Ohio Valley. The group left last week and is expected to return home this coming Friday. The best that can offer us is this info: Greenfield has checked in with the station and WTAP may have a phone interview with him for its WTAP News at Eleven broadcast on Sunday night or for Daybreak, Monday morning.
THEN KTAP SAYS: You can watch the latest video from Hawaii on
Click on the AP online network link.
(We surfed around the WTAP TV site and could not find the AP online network link anywhere???? What about an NBC feed? I know there's an NBC affiliate in Honolulu
-- I even worked with them at one time??? NOPE...nothing there...
AT ABC Ch 12 in Michigan (MICHIGAN -- the second most recent report listed on Google News (NEWS now-- NOT GOOGLE VIDEO) -- they refer us to an AP video icon again- - we found a link and clicked and right again... it didn't play at all-- black screen and said stopped) We just tried again and it said "THE END" before it got started.... AT we found videos from KTTV ( I think that is an LA station -- a FOX station???? LA -- not Honolulu??) we were not registered for CNN Pipeline (premium broadband so we could not try it for free without registering-- to continue we'd have to pay..and even to see it we had to fill out a big form...give us a break-- how about some free video for those wanting to see earthquake footage -- like a public service -- so we could no see live CNN -- YES, we had turned on the TV -- we had tried that earlier and saw nothing during a 10 minute channel surfing....Earlier on one of the LA network stations we had seen some news from Hawaii so we knew the stations there were working to some extent -- and what about all that 'user-generated video' we hear about? LAST CHANCE -- we'll go check out Hawaii TV and see if we can find them online?? AT KHNL we found this user-generated report with a slide show -- yep slides, not video??Damage Report : User Submitted Information plus Image Slide Show Reports are coming in from all over the islands. Send us updates at: [email protected] Click here for more information. OVER AT KITV -- we were excited-- LIVE VIDEO -- we dragged the logo saying SOME NERVES frazzled to our 'playlist' and clicked and clicked and clicked...nothing...we checked -- pop-ups okay - we gave up..... So much for that $1.5 BILLION GOOGLE/YOUTUBE deal.... Techcrunch » Blog Archive » YouTube’s Magic Number - $1.5 Billion
BOTTOMLINE here's what we found on Google Video: go ahead and click-- you'll find what we found nothing about Hawaii's Earthquake on ?????? nothing on google video either?????
UPDATE -- Yahoo!/CBS TV Free, Ad-Supported News has a story by my colleague Roger Park about a new Yahoo/CBS local news deal...Here's how that article starts --"Yahoo! Inc. and CBS Television Stations are teaming up for an exclusive video syndication agreement in which local news video from 16 of CBS's owned stations will be made available on Yahoo"--perhaps by the time of the next major earthquake -- will be able to find a local station covering news -- online in real time....?? Joyce Schwarz, JCOM, emerging media & entertainment analyst/consultant, |