Hollywood2020.blogs.com blogger Joyce Schwarz just found Pixel Chix listed on wikipedia.com --here's the link: Pixel Chix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Here's a recap of some of the major points Wikipedia covers about the Chix:
*similar to Tamagotchi *LCD screen and controlling buttons
*There are three different types of houses (blogger note-- plus the 2 story houses).
The more they are played with, the higher level they become
higher levels introduce different types of food, more clothes and more places to go out.
However, if they are neglected, they will decrease in levels.
Also included is info about such areas as a) Products b) Clothes c)food d) Beauty items (in 2 story houses) e) Accessories
NOTE -- still no list of all the words the Pixel Chix will say nor additional info on what each Pixel Chix says that is different in each house or in the car or at the mall...we're off in search of any video on Pixel Chix-- think we just spotted one in FRENCh of all things! js.