EATING DISORDERS CONTINUE TO MAKE HEADLINES ACROSS THE Joyce Schwarz, blogging at For example, just recently we saw stats from the Eating Disorders Coalition, a Washington advocacy group that shows that the incidence of eating disorders has doubled in the past 40 years.
Here's the link for the rest of that story Web cure for eating disorders?
Jessica Weiner on the dais at the recent
WHAT TEENS WANT Conference in Marina Del Rey, CA
Jessica Weiner pictured in front of the cover of her latest book was a speaker at the WHAT TEENS WANT conference in Marina Del Rey,CA and is also a columnist on Scroll down for a review of her book posted by author/consultant Joyce Schwarz on her reviews.
We knew she looked familiar when she walked into the WHAT TEENS WANT conference in Marina Del Rey, last month, blogger and emerging media consultant Joyce Schwarz spotted her immediately. Aha...she was on CNN recently talking about 'thin/skinny models' we caught her then but didn't get her name-- the crawl with her name went past too quickly. Jessica Weiner's sharp and she's warm and insightful. And yep, that was her-- we confirmed it when we saw her --where else-- in the Ladies room at the Marriott Marina Del Rey between session at the WHAT TEENS WANT CONFERENCE....later in her book "DO I LOOK FAT IN THIS?" we noticed that she says that many of her most fateful meetings are made in the Ladies room' -- hoping ours will be one of those for her and us in the future! features columnist,author & "actionist' Jessica Weiner.
Real Girls/Real Advice -- that's what columnist and actionist Jessica Weiner promises on her section of the website.
Here's a copy of the review Joyce Schwarz, blogging at did for Jessica's book which we received at the WHAT TEENS WANT CONFERENCE in Marina Del's a winner and we suggest that you buy it for every girl AND WOMAN you know for the holidays...BUT read it first-- guys will love finding out what to say to that proverbial question -- DO I LOOK FAT IN THIS?
Do I Look Fat in This?: Life Doesn't Begin Five Pounds from Now by Jessica Weiner Edition: Hardcover | |
Price: $13.17 (scroll down for the review written by blogger Joyce Schwarz:) |
BECAUSE FAT IS NOT A FEELING..., October 22, 2006
If you're tired of dieting, this may be the book for you.
Jess's book is a breakthrough experience for anyone who has struggled with self-appearance and self-esteem....and isn't that most of us. She believes that by focusing on what others tell you are your shortcomings-- you miss opportunities to feel connected, sexy and powerful. Whether you're a size 2 , 12 or 22 or beyond-- you can benefit from Jess's words of wisdom.
Jessica Weiner a motivational speaker, author and self-described "actionist" versus Activist...writes in plain English and tosses in some great motivational quotes from famous people and some fun facts about self approval and more.
Twelve chapters plus an afterword are included..
and the chapters are fun to read-- get this, even if you don't have the time to read it-- just scan it and you'll benefit -- I promise...Anyway the chapters range from Decoding the Language of the Famous or should I say infamous question most women ask daily "Do I look Fat in This? to "I Feel Fat" to "If I were Thinner, He'd Love me" to "Thunder Thighs Run in my Family" to Ch 6-- "I'd be so happy if I looked like a Celebrity" to 7) "Once I lose some weight"..... to 8) All of my Friends are not and I'm not...9) But I'm just trying to be healthy to "Sorry I don't speak that language." Quizzes, role-playing experiences and fun quizzes are interspersed with TAKE ACTION steps...
Probably the most important thought though is that YOU CAN"T FEEL FAT -- because fat is not a feeling-- and if you read that section alone (I don't want to steal her thunder with her response to this)'ll benefit greatly...
An amazing lady and a fun, easy-to-read book that's great for girls above 12, teens, college chicks and women of any age...great to get this before the holiday parties start! Fun birthday gift...
Book by Jessica Weiner, ASK JESS columnist on
BLOGGER NOTE -- we'll keep you posted with what we see is happening with ASK JESS and the author-- right now we're trying to hook her up with our kewl client which features group-reply-all text messaging. Who knows you might be able to text to Jess soon too!.