WHEN YOU CAN'T GET TO THE WAVES.....what every home office needs-- a Hawaii Surf Simulator...we found this one when Hollywood2020.blogs.com was 'surfing' online looking for electronic surfboards...but alas we surfed into this new creation: http://www.hawaiisurfsimulators.com/system.html
Wow an a kewl new surf simulator from who else Hawaiisurfsimulators.com!
Here's what the Hawaii Surf Simulator company says about its products:
We deliver the fantasy of Hawaiian Surfing on dry land - absolutely!
Our surfboards are all genuine Hawaiian, three dimensional-hand shaped fiberglass or carbon resin boards.
There is nothing to imagine here - you are standing on a real competion sized surfboard like the pros.
Mounted only 4 inches off the ground there is no risk of "eating the reef".
Standard package includes the following:
1) Two operators - one "SURF" instructor and equipment operator.
2) 2 Trophies and miscellaneous prizes
3) LCD Projection unit / Screen or LCD monitor
4) sound system with music
They say it started 20 years ago when they created the first indoor surf championship -- and look how they did it!
In three weeks we created four surf simulators comprised of a covered Chinese WOK on a rotating platform, snaked with wires, hooked up to a COMMODORE 64! The graphics (if you are old enough to remember) were stick figures surfing on a pixilated wave. Of course, people went wild because no one ever had seen or played anything like it. Company founder is named Paul Goo.....
A far cry from the old-fashioned but still kewl Qualcomm surfboards we saw at Demo Fall, 2006 -- but they still deserve a pix or two -- here they are:
Pix of the Qualcomm surfboard we saw at DemoFall 2006 ....had these on our desktop and couldn't resist posting them....now!
I am intereste in a price and availability for a 4 hour event on the Silver Strand beach in Coronado California ( San Diego)
For either September 21st or 22nd 2008
My phone number is 619-424-4486
Posted by: Pamela Navarre | January 17, 2008 at 11:34 AM