TAMAGOTCHI --remember those egg-shaped virtual pets --by Joyce Schwarz, blogging at Hollywood2020.blogs.com, well, they are back and now one style called V3 has a connection to it's on virtual world online.
Originally launched in 1996, the egg-shaped Tamagotchi - which simulates the life cycle of a real pet - soldl more than 40 million units worldwide .Bandai America reintroduced the brand in 2004 with new tech as Tamagotchi Connection, and has sold an additional 20 million units.
www.tamatown.com -- new destination for Tamagotchi V3
owners and fans!
In July, 2006, Bandai launched TamaTown.com, the new destination for fans & owners of of Bandai America Incorporated's Tamagotchi Connection Version 3.
One of the things I didn't know was that the Tamagotchi stores names of 45 pals.
According to a press release from Bandai, the Tamagotchi lets kids experience all the fun of raising a pet-without the responsibility and mess. It features infrared technology that allows owners to "connect" their virtual pets together to play games, trade gifts and become friends, while storing a "Friend List" of up to 45 pals.
Once an adult, the character can "connect" with a compatible friend and hatch more generations for endless fun. Products are currently available at all major retailers nationwide with a SRP of $4.99 to $14.99. For more information, visit Tamagotchi.com.
BANDAI AMERICA also known for Power Rangers!
Bandai America is the manufacturer and master toy licensee of some of the most popular brands in children's toys and entertainment today, including Power Rangers, Ben 10 and Tamagotchi. The company is headquartered in Cypress, California and information is available at www.Bandai.com.
BANDAI GOLD TAMAGOTCHI -- NOT available in stores!
For the first time in Tamagotchi history, Bandai America Inc. - inventor and pioneer of the worldwide "virtual pet" toy phenomenon - has designed and manufactured a special edition Tamagotchi to reward fans of all ages for their support. Dubbed the "Golden Tamagotchi," this limited edition toy will never be sold in stores, and only 2,000 units have been handcrafted and individually numbered for distribution in the United States.
TAMA FANS CAN WIN WON -- online or via Radio Disney(tm)
Golden Tamagotchi -- only 3000 made -- not available in stores
Over a 30 day period – October 2-31 – a total of 300 Golden Tamagotchis will be awarded, with a list of the winners posted on the site at the end of each week.
In addition to the Golden Month festivities, kids can increase their chances of claiming an elusive Golden Tamagotchi by tuning in to Radio Disney through the end of the year and participating in their call-in contests (check www.radiodisney.com for local station listings).
#1 VIRTUAL PET The brand is also the #1 selling virtual pet within the Youth Electronics Supercategory, according to market information company The NPD Group (year-to-date through July based on sales).
Version 3 arrived in early 2006 and introduced fans to Tamagotchi Town, where one can explore the magical world of Mametchi, Memetchi, Kuchipatchi and all their friends.
Using "Gotchi Points" and special passwords, visitors shop at the mall, visit with their pet's parents and grandparents, receive a map and keys to the city in the Town Hall, and even travel the world to exotic destinations.
More than 55,000 daily visitors to TamaTown.com since the site's launch.
where is the tie for the tamagotchi
Posted by: | December 03, 2008 at 09:18 AM
golden tamagotchi
Posted by: | October 09, 2008 at 01:32 AM
coollllllllllllllll 1
Posted by: chrissy | August 21, 2008 at 01:10 PM
Posted by: cameron taylor | July 14, 2008 at 11:00 AM
wooooowwwww your all losers,,,,, and the hat is in the travel place in chile
Posted by: | July 12, 2008 at 08:02 PM