JUST IN TIME FOR YOUR HOLIDAY WEEKEND ....CNET names the top 10 geek chicks of all time....well, at least modern times! By Joyce Schwarz, at www.hollywood2020.blogs.com.
They list http://crave.cnet.co.uk/0,39029477,49285435,00.htm includes:
* Ada Byron , world's first programmer
*Val Tarashkova, went to space
*Grace Hopper, found the first computer bug
*Daryl Hannah (yep, that Daryl Hannah) -- they call her an 'eco-friendly' geek icon...and salute her for all her 'geeky' movies...
*Rosalynd Franklin, chemist
*Mary Shelley, wrote Frankenstein
*Lisa Simpson, future president-- yep that Simpson
*Marie Curie, they call her an expert in radioactivity
*Aleks Krotoski, presenter, BBC & writer and expert on Virtual Worlds & girl gamers.
*Paris Hilton, famous girl gamer -- yep that Paris or should I say that Hilton!
More on this later....sure these chicks got game...but so do others..let's see what the wrath of the blogospHER has to say! Happy Thanksgiving...
UPDATE: What 'Bloghers' say & more...
As Hollywood2020.blogs.com anticipated the 'blogosphers' and 'bloghers' went a bit zany with their response to CNET's Top Girl Geeks....here's the best response we saw...www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/
Top Ten Geek Girls -- article related to News. ... (http://slashdot.org/~Stavr0/journal/ | Last Journal: Thursday January 19, @01:18PM) ... slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/11/22/1338255 - 86k - |