A look back at the Marina Del Rey conference on WHAT TEENS WANT....
By Joyce Schwarz, blogging at www.hollywood2020.blogs.com....
During the WHAT TEENS WANT conference held in October at the Marina Del Rey Marriott (just down the street from our office) I thought it VERY STRANGE that no games execs were speaking and no emphasis was on games at the conference.
There was mention of SECOND LIFE but basically in passing.
...the new study (see blog post below) that shows what teen boys want for XMAS and our recent research showing that
ENTERTAINMENT SOFTWARE ASSN study earlier this year showed that
1/3 of all parents now play video games
80 percent of those play with their kids
and 66 percent of those that play with their kids think it brings the family closer.
YET there was no GAMES SEGMENT at that conference...we wonder why???
.when I asked MTV's Christina Norman about why MTV bought Harmonix and what's up in London with their new interactive channel...
she finally chatted a bit about games....
Yet from the stats above and surfing around it appears lots is happening....
I did see in checking YPulse.com that Anastasia includes these mentions in her blog recently about gaming:
Nickelodeon wants to get into the game (no matter which console its on) (GameDailyBiz)
and this about Korea's Cyworld...
CyWorld helps brands express themselves (teams with Double Fusion to better integrate marketers into its social network) (press release)
GamePro Family (a new site for parents of gamers...The Media Post, reg, required, also reported that "1UP is also launching a video game buyer's guide that covers the top games for all the major consoles plus PCs. The guide will provide game reviews as well as information for parents about possibly inappropriate content." Update: Ypulse reader Doug sent in this site for gamer dads!)
MTV to partner with S. Korean gaming company (MTV will market the launch of Nexon's casual MMOG game titles in North America) (Reuters)
BUT I'm wondering what's up with TEENS & GAMES even more now -- and at the LA GAMES Conference there were all those studies with more PINK showing for girls/women playing games...but the xmas gifts don't reflect that ??? Hmmmmmmm
Here are some pix from the WHAT TEENS WANT CONFERENCE sitting on our desktop-
so we'll amuse you with them here.....
Rax Raz Schionning Web Director, American Apparel
We tried to pin Rax down for an interview but lost him
in the crowd at the break and then he was gone.....
Paul Orescan, Marketing Director, Geffen Records
Slightly blurry pix (our camera was dying)
but Paul was a terrific speaker -- more on him later.....
Christina Norman .MTV..brilliant speaker-- really gets it
Everybody today is a producer....everybody dreams of being a celebrity
and validation and authenticity are key...ranking important...
Mashups and tributes -- these vehicles spawn their own epicycles...
Virtual Laguna Beach-- an example of next-gen programming....
MADE -- the TV show-- developed to create and share and validate ..
.her 15 year old daughter has already written a glowing obituary showing her life filled with success...
challenge is turning extreme behavior into a career....
Norman did add that X Box 360 gamers are playing old Atari games to find out where games started....
Talking about advertising....and programming..."Everyone in this day and age walks a thin line" ....you rhave to really see what pisses people off (yes, she said that~)
Two screen experience is important-- t
hey go to computers during commercial breaks on MTV.com,
TRL -- webcam experience lets users be in the show....
Screens at the Marina Del Rey Marriott ballroom changed as Norman presented her MTV presentation-- very KEWL....don't know if anyone else noticed! (see screens photos-- almost looked like film strips-- very awesome on side of wall...
More about the NEXT STEP magazine and their research later...
very kewl stuff
even if their hats weren't exactly STYLISH!~~~
How are teens changing since the Millennial Generation? Chris and Kevin present on the future of teens in the post-9/11 era. They also take a look at Next Step’s 900,000 teens and how they react and engage in the media.
Kevin Sweeney, Director of National Sales, Next Step Magazine
Christopher Roberts, Vice President of Marketing & Interactive, Next Step Magazine
An Olympic champion talks about her experiences training for and competing in the Olympic Games, and how she makes choices in developing her personal brand.
Gretchen Bleiler, Silver Medalist Women's Halfpipe, Winter Olympics 2006
Interviewed by Dr. Jim Taylor, Vice Chairman, Harrison Group
Gretchen talked about the challenges of being a woman snowboarder....more on that later too...
Click on this and you'll see the motto "you can't buy me" which Harrison Group's Taylor actually found online~~