Adults in the movie insist to Ralphie “You’ll shoot your eye out.” In the commercial, the refrain becomes, “You’ll run the bill up.” A happy ending ensues when Ralphie’s parents buy him a prepaid Cingular cellphone, the GoPhone.
POP CULTURE AND ADVERTISING...advertising and entertainment -- winning duos? Truly, the commercials and other ads featuring A CHRISTMAS how advertising and pop culture are intertwined or maybe even how advertising and entertainment are increasingly complementary -- and one steals from another-- or licenses as it may be, because of course Cingular did have the permissions from Time Warner.
Trends in popular culture...some blame it to the dumbing down of society....of the cult followings of a few...or of fads...popular culture is but one window to our world...But it sure provides plenty of talk around the water fountain (if one still exists at your company) or in our time the fodder for viral videos.
Being out of sync with popular culture seems to have more impact than being politically incorrect...because the new popular culture in modern societies IS often politically incorrect. I know that when I lived in Hawaii, my tidbits of popular culture were always a bit ahead of my crowd at work and socially....I was 'too mainland' with 24/7 satellite (back then Johnny Carson arrived via tape a day late) and the's hard for anyone not to know what's hot or what's not...and of course who Paris HIlton is or isn't...fascinating....
I always wonder when I look back on the 'movie stars' or starlets of the 20's or 30's or even 40's and 50's and wonder where are they now...who were those famous or infamous men and women...will Paris Hilton just be a twinkle in the past 20 years from now...who knows ...and who cares (besides Paris of course)...
.but then along comes a re-rerun or encore presentation as they are now called of BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY's on Christmas Day...and I too wish I could find a real-life place that makes me feel like Tiffany's...oops maybe I do as I look out on the twinkling holiday lights just brightening Marina Del Rey, California....GO FIGURE!.....whatever floats your boat-- hmm where is that slang dictionary when I need it...